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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Suspect ended interrogation by farting at detectives

Detectives interrogating a suspect on gun and drugs charges were forced to end the interview after the man continued to break wind violently during questioning.

Sean Sykes Jr. let rip with a series of farts while being interrogated for intent to sell cocaine and being in possession of a firearm charges, causing Kansas City officers to suspend the interview.



  1. Something smells about this story.

  2. Bubba likes new versions of aroma in his cell!!!

  3. Lol. What else can he do. That was one hell of a gas explosion to end interrogation. Passive aggressive behavior at its best. Best way to remain verbally silent i suppose.

  4. Maybe they need to xray his gut. Could be storing something that he shoved up there for conceal carry and future sale of cocaine.

  5. How does one fart "violently"? lol Is that a new charge? lol

  6. They should have went up side his head with something. Says something about his culture.


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