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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Charges Dropped Against Three for Destroying N.C. Confederate Monument

Charges have now been dropped against three of the protesters charged with destroying a Confederate statue that stood in downtown Durham, North Carolina, since 1924, reports say.

Defense attorney Scott Holmes told the media that the charges were dropped against Aaron Alexander Caldwell, Myles Spigner and Taylor Cook. According to Holmes, prosecutors said probable cause exists in the cases against the three, but not enough evidence exists to prove their actions beyond a shadow of a doubt, WRAL reported.

The move by prosecutors is the first in the cases against 13 people charged with the August 14 destruction of the 90-year-old statue.

District Attorney Roger Echols, though, warned that the dismissal of these three cases should not be seen as an indication of what is to come in the other ten cases.



  1. Hmm...something tells me, revealing the full names in this report that maybe these 3 young dingdongs better be looking over their shoulders in the future!

  2. That girl is a sight!!!

  3. Yea I'd definitely watch my back if I were them

  4. I thought there was video of the whole thing! Or was that another statue being torn down by lawless, entitled thugs?

  5. Are they going to pay for replacing the Confederate statue? If not, they should, and all that "don't know how to behave" and ruined other statues should also.

  6. The statue looked at her and toppled over... or something?

  7. It's on FILM and they have don't have enough evidence?



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