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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Statement from Governor Larry Hogan on Baltimore City Police Detective Sean Suiter

Governor Orders Maryland Flags to Fly at Half-Staff

Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement, and ordered that Maryland flags be flown at half-staff to honor Baltimore City Police Detective Sean Suiter:

“The First Lady and I are heartbroken by the death of Baltimore City Police Detective Sean Suiter, a veteran of 18 years, who leaves a young family behind. He did not deserve to die this way. We join all Marylanders in praying for Det. Suiter’s wife, children, and loved ones during this time of tragedy.

“It is difficult to express the sadness – and anger – that comes with losing this dedicated public servant to such a cruel and senseless act of violence. The State of Maryland will continue to support local law enforcement as they hunt down the individual that committed this heinous crime, and ensure that the full force of justice is brought to bear.

“May God continue to bless the brave men and women who serve and protect us every single day, including all of Det. Suiter's fellow officers on the Baltimore City police force. They are truly some of the best and most heroic people that we have the honor to call Maryland citizens.”


  1. It is wonderful to have a Governor who so strongly supports law enforcement. God Bless you Governor!

  2. Baltimore crime is out of control. If the Gov was really serious, he would use his power to bring the General Assembly together for an immediate relaxed concealed carry law change.

  3. The blacks in Baltimore just don't like blacks. It's as simple as that. They only like their drugs and the drug mules. Freddie Gray was a drug mule who the City paid $6M in tax money too. Their teenager DA is Mosby who hasn't successfully brought a single charge against anyone in the law enforcement part of Baltimore.

    It's unfortunate but now City Management has managed to get their criminal residents to the level of execution style murders. They simply don't care.

  4. Call in national guard

  5. How sad that 2 of the countries best hospitals are in Baltimore in some of the worst neighborhoods to get there. I have seen it take effect on the quality of care at Hopkins. People of color who work there are demanding to be paid world class salaries just because they are working in a world class hospital and costing the quality of service to go down hill for patients.

    1. Amen to that!! I absolutely had 110% trust in Hopkins at one point but today it seems as though they're just not the once elite, totally trustworthy instie they once were. "The ridiculous onslaught of people of ethnicity" and being owed something has run rampant through society. Its almost getting intolerable to come in contact with ones that are fortunate to receive quality education

  6. Baltimore is a city of criminals run by criminals

  7. "Call in national guard"

    My advice from experience (NG called to duty in 1968) would to make sure you vacate the city before the National Guard comes in. There is a period of resistance and return to order you need to survive while this happens. Order lasted nearly 50 years the last time but then it will simply go south with these people if they don't change their behavior. You can return one order is restored at least for another 50 years. The difference this time is that the electorate doesn't have the stomach to call for the restoration of law and order for fear of upsetting the lawless residents.

    Many people miss Donald Schaefer. He was an effective Mayor and Great Governor.


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