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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Soros-tied donor network to ramp up efforts to elect left-wing prosecutors

The Democracy Alliance, a secretive left-wing dark money donor network whose members each direct hundreds of thousands in funding to progressive groups, is set to ramp up efforts to elect far-left prosecutors across the nation, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The documents, which were gathered from the Democracy Alliance's three-day fall investment conference last week at the posh La Costa Resort in Carlsbad, Calif., show that electing ultra-progressive prosecutors in cities across the country is of high importance to the deep-pocketed donors as part of their "resistance" efforts and 2018 strategy.

Closed events were held at the summit on issues ranging from using the state of California as a progressive template to expand elsewhere, to the "importance of prosecutor races."

"Progressive prosecutors are winning -- from Florida to Pennsylvania, Texas to Illinois," a flyer for a session reads. "Bold reform candidates have been propelled by movement players and driven record voter turnout of African Americans, Latinos and Millennials -- and are shifting the political narrative."

More here

[FLASHBACK: A small tax-exempt political group with ties to wealthy liberals like billionaire financier George Soros has quietly helped elect 11 reform-minded progressive Democrats as secretaries of state to oversee the election process in battleground states and keep Republican “political operatives from deciding who can vote and how those votes are counted.”]


  1. Ah. Soros and His minions. Yes a Desperate One. Their Candidate (Manchurian/Hillary *brain malfunction "flu"* ) lost.! Why? Us, the People with Brains voted No!!! To the Obamas Pelosis (have Yoi seen Her malFunction!? She Can Not remember Her own Name!) Re Count Away You Cannot steel This One ..! No, the People will Always ReJect liberalism (Mental DiSease! Defective Packaging (ceberal casing)!) Now, the Desperit NfL will Kneel kneel (Flag). Why not kneel for Veterans Day? (If you believe, *Stand" for your Believes!). Empty Seats > desperate TV ratings (low). Cappernik is sad. Liberals OuT now!!'!$!

  2. All that take his money are destroying our way of life and don't seem to care,its like they want America to go down.

  3. SOROS needs to be hung.

  4. Soros and fellow imbeciles have spread their lies to change the world. To force others to think as they do. Totally anti-American.


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