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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Saudi Arabia Is About To Confiscate $33 Billion From Four Of Its Richest People

Earlier today, when discussing the Saudi bank account and asset freeze (and confiscation) of dozens of princes and ministers, we said that just the haul of billionaire prince Alwaleed's $19 billion in various holdings, including nearly a billion dollars in jewelry, plans, yachts, furniture and cash...

... would be an efficient way of refilling Saudi's rapidly declining foreign reserves. And refilling they need: as shown in the chart below, Saudi reserves have declined from their peak in 2014 by over a quarter trillion dollars as a result of the roughly 50% drop in gas prices in the past 3 years.



  1. $612,000,000 in Twitter. Hmm.

  2. Are they taking any of the money back they gave to the Clintons.

  3. To 11:59

    Good luck getting with Saudi Arabia getting the millions back from the Clinton Foundation. The cheap Clintons refused to donate to the victims of the rash of hurricanes from Texas to Puerto Rico so you know they won't give one thin dime back to Saudi Arabia.


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