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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Rats Haven't Deserted Democrats' Sinking Ship

Despite being waterlogged by scandal and disagreement, the Democratic Party is far from headed for a shipwreck. Waves of destruction may threaten, but Democrats cling fast to what they regard as their righteous, life-saving superiority. They have always believed their salvation lies in having faith in their own intrinsic goodness. Despite the irony of terms, those on the left view themselves as those in the right. And they take it one leap further to presume that right makes might.

The party may well be foundering, but their diehards recognize the distinction between being at sea and being all washed up -- and it keeps them treading water. Who knows what’s going on now behind closed DNC doors -- or even cares to! -- but despite the disparaging revelations of Donna Brazile, the damning DNC-financed Russian dossier, the Uranium One deal, etc. spokespersons for the Democrat Party are as brazenly determined as ever.

Surely, some of them must have some sense of fear and loathing, since they routinely employ these very elements in attacking their enemies. Still, they also understand how important it is for the party to hold it all together, because they have seen how potent their own attempts have been to divide their opposition.


1 comment:

  1. Bob Marshall, who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill, just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in.


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