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Friday, November 10, 2017

Runner pushed into Inner Harbor by group of teens

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A group of teens is accused of pushing a runner into the Inner Harbor Monday night.

FOX45's Paul Gessler talked to a witness who told him what he saw the teens doing as they ran away.

The witness says he saw the teenagers laughing as they ran away, moments after a runner claims they pushed him into the Harbor.

"I was rounding the corner when I saw the three youths running away," said Stephen Wancowicz.



  1. I take it Mr wancowicz is a Caucasian gentleman and these teens are probably " African" American....why when hate crimes happen against Caucasian people they are not even closely portrayed as such by the media but things such as a darker corn puff on a Kellogg box is national need for racism ? Is the media not indiscriminate in its recognition and action of spreading truth and news?

  2. 10:31 - You mean the kids were BLACK? Wow!

    Maybe the closing of stores at Mondawmin mall is making it difficult to find a place to shoplift and they have less to occupy their time.

  3. See? If they had a fence around that harbor it wouldn’t have happened.

  4. We don't need fenced properties. We need the punks in at night with a leash attached to parents. Well, they need parents first though.

  5. Concealed carry.....concealed carry.......concealed carry!!!!

  6. No the fence needs to be around the hood. You got it backwards. See? 😂

  7. Those darned teens! They're so playful!

  8. 121pm, can't parent the chillins when you the parents are in jail!

  9. shoot a few they will get the picture or burn the filthy city down
    because a worthless scum is shot

  10. Room to riot. Stay out of Baltimore.

  11. Come on, people.

    You know that SOMEWHERE on the planet, gangs of white kids roam the busy tourist spots with bats and sticks, looking to beat people up, rob them, and try to drown them.
    All this stereotyping.

    Of course, if a particular group keeps FULFILLING those stereotypes, are they stereotypes? Or just the truth?
    If the Russians want to meddle, all we can hope is they accidentally nuke Baltimore.
    No big deal, except the hundreds of millions of dollars spent EACH YEAR in Baltimore to take care of generations of welfare recipients could actually be used for something productive.
    Keep cheering.

  12. Teens. You really mean negroes, right? Black people? Niggers? African- Americans? Don't sugar coat it, say what you really mean and what really was there.

    Is that too much to ask?

  13. Ask some Millennials what to do. They have all of the answers.


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