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Friday, November 10, 2017

Is Comcast's Ad Sales Killing Local Stations?

Over the last few months, I've noticed on cable channels like A&E and Lifetime, local advertising is pretty consistent. When you watch the locals - WBOC and WMDT - you seldom see local advertising, instead we see national ads. Considering these advertisers are now able to go directly through Comcast, it makes sense to buy ad slots over a multitude of channels instead of just the two local stations.

After last month's big slamfest over FiOS dropping WBOC along with their inability to cover local news thoroughly, why do they continue on? Sure, we'll lose jobs in Salisbury but since Day's reign began, that's become common place. A few more unemployed won't really make a difference on our highways and byways as they're already clogged as it is.

WBOC and WMDT have failed to keep up with the times. For some reason, they feel their old way of doing business is still acceptable. Given what we're seeing now, they have a serious revenue problem on their hands, not to mention the fact they don't cover the local crime, business or human interest stories with any regularity or substance. Instead, they have opted to ignore anything south of the Virginia/Maryland line and chosen to concentrate their efforts on mostly Delaware news.

Why are they still around? What purpose do they ultimately serve in our area?


  1. Don't know about their relevance but I'm damn glad the It's all Happening campaign ad is gone FINALLY! Seeing Jake Day screaming, "It's all happening" was enough to make anyone hurl. The only thing that's happening in Salisbury is greed and corruption.

  2. The same can be said for the Daily Mistake. Wonder how their ad sales are being killed. They're so used to getting $1000+ for ads, they're probably hurting big time, too!

  3. You'd think they would get a clue but they still deliver crappy newscasts and expect to get big money for their cornball commercials. When was the last time you saw a decent locally created commercial on either of those stations? Try not since 1989.

  4. The local TV stations are just propaganda outlets for the MSM.

  5. If so, surprised they don't run the It's all happening spot 24/7 for free. They're big Jake Day propagandists. 1056

  6. local radio is is just as bad a spot.

  7. It would be almost be cheaper for the County and City to get together and print their own distributed flyer once a month than the ridiculous prices they pay for mandatory advertising.


  8. WBOC is just Happy Talk and useless trivia, with an emphasis on weather, and negligible sports. A couple of big sponsors are their base.

    Ditching the old tv shows channel in favor of ethnic programming is a mistake; should have found more open channels like WMDT did.

    WMDT has less staff and fewer resources but is actually providing more local news, features and sports. Still not great, but punching above their weight.

    Wish WRDE signal reached the 'bury.

  9. Johnny Janosik and KIA are the only ads they want to run adnauseum. And that other place in Delaware, DonLee whatever it's called.


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