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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Poll: 6 In 10 Black Americans Say Police Unfairly Stopped Them Or A Relative

A new poll out this week from NPR finds that 60 percent of black Americans say they or a family member have been stopped or treated unfairly by police because they are black. In addition, 45 percent say they or a family member have been treated unfairly by the courts because they are black. The poll is a collaboration between NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The poll reveals the consequences of these stops for black Americans personally and across society — 31 percent of poll respondents say that fear of discrimination has led them to avoid calling the police when in need. And 61 percent say that where they live, police are more likely to use unnecessary force on a person who is black than on a white person in the same situation.

Previous polls have asked similar questions, but ours is unique in that it's the first to ask about lifetime experiences with policing. It's part of NPR's ongoing series "You, Me and Them: Experiencing Discrimination in America."


Do you believe that you or someone in your family has been unfairly stopped or treated by the police because you or they are African-American?


  1. Aaawwww lets have a pizza party.......LOL

  2. Don't drive around with busted tail lights out no license plate full tinted windows ECT ECT it happens to whites too so GROW UP and take RESPONSIBILITY

  3. They are taught to say and to think that. Sorry but this poll does not mean anything, as it is not factual, but perceived based on cultural up bringing.

  4. Interestingly, I think every time I have been stopped by a police officer it was unfair.

    1. Interestingly, I think every time I have been stopped by a police officer it was justified. Speeding, failure to stop at stop sign, caught on camera, talking on phone, no seat belt, were all breaking the law, and I was Guilty as charged So far only once per charge. Hopefully there will be no new laws put in place to earn me another ticket.

  5. As if I still believe any poll conducted by or reported on NPR. NPR used to be fun and informative. Now it's strained and biased beyond belief. It hurts my ears to listen anymore.

  6. Just more BS trying to foment RACISM...

  7. Total BS. They think nothing of lying and saying they were pulled over for no reason when they are driving without a light or up to date registration, etc. They lie and want everyone to believe the cops wait to see expired tag on a vehicle driven by a black. If anything the 6 out of 10 are the ones who have to show their a$$es and yell and scream like ghetto garbage at the cop. The whole world has their number now so they can lie all day long and it only proves to more people how low they have sunk as a race.

  8. of course they are going to say that

  9. Chips fall were they fall !!!

  10. They continue to call black people "African-American") when they know it is not correct. Most of them have never been to Africa and neither were their ancestors.

  11. I have been stopped more than most blacks (my guess) and I am white privileged...thank goodness. Gave them the same respect I expected and had no complaint from me.

  12. Im white and I think I got stopped unfairly speeding

  13. They don't know that there's a difference between criminal behavior and being a victim. They think getting caught is making a victim out of THEM! More of Obama's legacy.

  14. Like the drug dealer in Princess Anne that was pulled over for driving without headlights at 8:30. Yeah, he was profiled.

  15. Of course they do! The fact that they are being profiled is there own fault. A profile is created by previous facts. If the majority of vehicles stopped by law enforcement have blacked out windows, speeding and driving aggressively, and are driven by blacks are found to be illegal so be it.

  16. 82% of all statistics are made up on the spot. A better heading for this article would be “74% of ALL drivers feel police unfairly stopped them or a relative”. Almost every person I ever stopped thought it was unfair. It didn’t matter what their race was.

  17. Almost every person I ever stopped thought it was unfair. It didn’t matter what their race was.

    November 5, 2017 at 7:33 AM

    Well, that's because it IS unfair. No one should have the power to stop anyone from traveling, I don't care what costume they wear.

    Unless someone is driving dangerously everyone be able to travel without being forced to pull over, submit to an interrogation and verbal abuse, sometimes even murder and rape, and either be robbed in the form of a citation or kidnapped via arrest or both.

    That's why traffic laws were established in the first place. To keep traffic moving and being safe doing so.

  18. The blacks at work call being pulled over by a white cop D.W.B. Driving while Black. One says he has a drop hatch in the drivers floor so he can get rid of his 25 ounce beverage quickly if D.W.B.

  19. They Fit the Profile !!! Chips fall were they fall !!

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Interestingly, I think every time I have been stopped by a police officer it was justified. Speeding, failure to stop at stop sign, caught on camera, talking on phone, no seat belt, were all breaking the law, and I was Guilty as charged So far only once per charge. Hopefully there will be no new laws put in place to earn me another ticket.

    November 5, 2017 at 7:33 PM

    Sounds like you need a refresher course in safe driving.


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