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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Jesse Jackson Calls On NFL Players To Escalate Their Protests

I didn’t think I could possibly like the Reverend Jesse Jackson any less than I do, but today is just full of surprises. Other than the asshats of the Houston Texans yesterday, most of the NFL protests were scaled way back. If Jackson gets his way, it won’t be that way for long. Speaking to the Houston Chronicle on Sunday, Jackson said, “The players should escalate their nonviolent protests. Donald Trump called them ‘sons of bitches.’ (Colin) Kaepernick is not degrading the flag. He’s kneeling to pray, which is in our best tradition. If we had not knelt and prayed nonviolently, where would we be today as a society?” Oh, bull feces. Kaepernick is not kneeling to pray. He’s facing the wrong way for Mecca. And what Jackson really wants… just can’t wait to see… is violence, regardless of what he says.

All of this came to pass after Texans Owner Bob McNair made disparaging comments about the players last Friday. During that meeting, McNair mangled the saying, “can’t let the inmates run the asylum.” Saying instead, that you “can’t let the inmates run the prison.” He eventually apologized for the reference, but it gave ammo to the leftists and militant black nationalists unfortunately. This didn’t sit well with NFL Executive Vice President of Operations Troy Vincent either, who took offense to those comments. Nor did it make the union or the NAACP happy.



  1. Trouble Maker on steroids.

  2. Go for it guys. Escalate. Please do. See what it gets you. the inmates are running the asylum!!!!!!

  3. I tried watching Sunday but couldn't get into it. I felt dumb for turning it on. Soldiers dying cops shooting terrorist and millionaires kneeling? Nope not watching.

  4. If Jesse says to do it, it must be right, right?

  5. Now why doesn't Jesse just go out and buy a football team and let his players do whatever they want on the field, even if it hurts his investment and causes fans to quit watching. THEN maybe someone will listen to what he has to say on the matter.

  6. I'd love to get a look at his offshore accounts and investment portfolio.

  7. If they are dumb enough to take the bait I'll continue watching College and Canadian football.

  8. Let him. He's putting them out of their jobs. I hope football just goes away. It's not something I want to hear of any longer.

  9. Our society is based on conflict of interest.Everyone in power approves of every action that benefits them financially.They vote against everything that hurts them financially.

  10. So many NFL players were in the prisons system, I don't see how being truthful is a bad thing.

  11. Calling on citizens to escalate the boycotts!

  12. CANCEL ALL THE REMAINING GAMES AND THEIR PAYCHECKS....see if that gives an attitude adjustment.....

  13. Keep up the good work players, the Owners have already told the networks NOT to show your antics.

    Life expectancy of an NFL player - 4 years? AGAIN YOU LOSE!!!
    After 4 years out of playing, 75% professional athletes are broke.

    4x LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. He was not far off looking at all the charges these overpaid actors have racked up. The only showbiz where bad behavior is hidden and not plastered all over the sporting news when they commit crimes even felonies!

  15. I'm not even going to watch the Superbowl this time around, that is if they find sponsors to buy that airtime. And what sponsors they have I'm going to make it a point not to buy their products. I can't even imagine who they'll have for the halftime show.

  16. Lock him up for Inciting !!!


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