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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pat Caddell: Global Elites Want to 'Manage' the Country's Decline

Pollster and political analyst Pat Caddell joined Breitbart News Saturday SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon to discuss the fight that Americans face today against the global elites.

“Our elites live in a world where everything is comfortable for them,” Caddell said. “I believe that behind the mindset … is a belief that the country is in decline and their job is to manage the decline.”

Caddell said the elites in the United States have bought into the idea that China is on the inevitable rise to global hegemony, replacing the U.S., and it is their job to manage that rise peacefully.

“This is the whole Thucydides Trap thing, ” Bannon said, referring to the idea that a declining superior power’s paranoia about a rising power will drive them to war.


1 comment:

  1. I assisted with parking at the most recent global elite meeting in Chantilly Va.The facility is rather new and highly state of the art in every way.The list of attendees was shocking.


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