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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Exclusive: Podestas Face Indictment

As Infowars predicted, elites move to sacrifice Clintons, Podestas
Tony and John Podesta are facing criminal indictments linked to the ongoing Russian probe, according to sources, which explains why they’re shutting down the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s most prominent lobbying groups.

Sources tell Infowars that Tony Podesta in particular was told to prepare for indictments because Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s entire case against former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort goes through Podesta, and evidence suggests that Podesta has done everything Manafort is accused of doing, if not more.

“The Podestas might be used as sacrificial lambs for the Democratic Party,” radio host Alex Jones said, who was briefed by sources close to the matter.



  1. It's no wonder all the hysteria when Trump won. Now the corruption of the previous administration can be exposed and dealt with. If Hill won it would have been business as usual. Victory is sweet!

  2. No victory yet. how long have we been hearing that something will be done

  3. And this is why I would never vote for a Democrat. We the people need to take our country back from the corruption in of the Democratic party and also several RINOs. Trump is the only one that can help lead the way to drain the swamp. Black state politics at its worse.

  4. I don't see it happening. It's hard to believe in 2017 a disgraced cop can leak information to a news paper. Based on the information a entire criminal investigation is be conducted on the White House with out vetting the source of the leak. Comey is not facing ANY criminal charges. The ENTIRE WORLD is effected by this investigation. So far the only after 10 months few million dollars in tax money to cover the witch hunt it's revealed money laundering from 10 years ago but the focus is RUSSIA. ITS CRAZY.

  5. Mueller is just waiting for the right moment to spring the trap on Trump , he doesn't fool anyone with his association with the last FBI guy Comey

  6. They, the Dems, were warned to be careful what they ask for. They asked for an independent counsel and let him go in any direction he wanted. So round and round we go!

  7. Wont believe it until I see it,republicans been trying to prosecute democrats associated with the Clintons for years and batting zero.


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