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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Now It’s The Democrats Who Have A ‘Russian Problem’

Suddenly it’s the Democrats who have a serious Russia problem.

Democratic fingerprints are all over a growing number of Russia-related scandals, including payments to Fusion GPS for its Russian-sourced Trump dossier, lobbying on behalf of Russia’s largest bank to lift economic sanctions, former President Barack Obama’s administration’s approval of the sale of Uranium One to Russia, and giving twenty percent of America’s uranium reserves to Moscow.

Republican Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Chuck Grassley of Iowa have called for the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into the mounting scandals tying Democrats to Russia.

“The bottom line is very simple, says former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. “The Russian connection now is owned by the Democratic Party.”



  1. Putin is threatening to retaliate if the US doesn't shut up about Russia.No one seems to have enough brain cells left to let it go.

  2. Media created a smokescreen to protect Democrats.


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