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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Federal prosecutors take on pharmaceutical companies for their alleged role in opioid crisis

BOSTON – The billionaire founder of a pharmaceutical company is the latest to face criminal charges as prosecutors seek to hold big business drug makers responsible for the role they have played in the opioid crisis.

John Kapoor, 74, resigned from the board of Arizona based Insys Therapeutics in October following his arrest. He is accused of conspiring to offer kickbacks to doctors who would then prescribe Subsys, the company's fentenyl-based spray.

"The crime here was trying to profit, for Mr. Kapoor and his co-defendants, to line their pockets by bribing doctors to sell the drug to people for whom it was not intended to be used," said William Weinreb, the acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.



  1. Finally. The biggest drug pushers there are.

  2. @ 2:12pm so true. Everything diagnosed for a solution is more drugs.

  3. I get my meds from Canada.Nothing controversial of course,but blood pressure meds and the like.For some reason Americans want to call the shots in the med industry.Other countries are not compelled to recognize our FDA.Canada sells as good or better quality for 25 cents on the dollar.My source actually does require that I text them a copy of my prescription to verify the need,but that's it.


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