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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Humans love dogs more than other people: study

Humans love dogs more than their fellow man.

Two major studies showed that mankind has more empathy for pooches in dire circumstances than suffering people, according to a report in the Times of London.

A UK medical research charity staged two phony donation campaigns — one for a dog and the other featuring a man. Of course, the pooch drew more contributions.

“Would you give 5 pounds to save Harrison from a slow, painful death?” the separate ads said, featuring a canine and human “Harrison.”



  1. of course, dogs are better in every way than most people

  2. Dogs are WAY better than people! Dogs are loyal, dogs are honest, dogs are innocent and give love unconditionally. People are self-serving liars. People are conniving. People generally suck.

  3. dogs are how people should be. loving and loyal. after work I make a beeline to home to be with my dogs.

  4. Now days there are few excuses for grown men and women to need help..there is help, friends and family available to most all people. There are programs available if your willing to accept the requirements. And frankly many grown people who need help are either lazy, drunks or drug addicts, who have alienated the people who would help them... dogs are helpless creatures.

  5. 100% the truth 4:05.

  6. The dog is the greatest little man in the world.

  7. Dogs are smarter than most people too!!

  8. Proof: It is illegal to preform an abortion on dogs for non-medical reasons, but for humans Planned parenthood uses your tax dollars to promote it.
    It would be cruel to let a dying animal suffer but for it is murder to assist suicide for late stage terminally ill humans who live in agony.

  9. Totally! I would gladly give my hard earned money to save a dog from death or disease, give to save the children of Africa, NO!


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