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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Gorka: ‘Diversity Visa’ Program Used by NYC Truck Jihadi Is ‘Politically Correct Act of Madness’

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, chief strategist for the MAGA Coalition, discussed the New York City terror attack with SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily.

Gorka described the “diversity visa” program that brought terrorist killer Sayfullo Saipov into the United States as a “politically correct act of madness.”

“America is the most diverse nation in the world. There is no key ethnicity in America. There is no special social heritage background,” he said. “And for some reason Chuck Schumer, back in the 90s, thought that we weren’t a diverse nation and helped create the green card lottery by which individuals from across the globe who simply had a high school diploma and two years of employment could apply like rolling the dice in a casino to get a green card to enter the United States.”

“This Uzbek national was one of the individuals who exploited this act of cultural and political suicide and became a resident of the United States,” he said.



  1. Right, lets blame the program that brought him here and not the underlying factors of racist America that make extremist ideologies appealing to them

    1. Why don’t you go live in Iran

  2. 1.8 million people brought into the country with that program

  3. Please expound on your thought Anon 2:25 PM. Inquiring minds want to know how you came up with this statement.

  4. Gorka is a fascist .

  5. There will always be people and governments that hate the U.S. The prudent thing to do is keep our law abiding citizens safe and keep these undesirables out of our country. The sheer madness of these types of programs is stunning. We are at war with an ideology that shows no quarter and we should do the same.

  6. 2:25 Race has nothing to do with the clear and present danger to our citizens. The intention of these zealots our elected officials are foolishly allowing into our borders is the issue. I saw the interview today and Gorka was spot on.


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