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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hillary Clinton, again, suggests misogyny for White House fail

Hillary Clinton just can’t get it through her head that the reason she lost the White House in 2016 was that she didn’t offer what voters wanted.

Once again, she’s floundering for reasons. Once again, she’s talking up the woman angle.

And once again, she’s pointing fingers away from her own body and toward other sources.



  1. All of the men you have been caught voted clinton

  2. 727: WHAT?! You're using English, but I have no idea what you're saying.

  3. 727, whaaaaaaaa?

    Hillary needs a bed at the Institution...Then jail time.

  4. will someone PLEASE tell killary it does NOT matter the reason, SHE STILL LOST.

  5. If Trump was a woman in the 2016 election, I still would have voted Trump instead of Clinton.

  6. Hillary, look - I will give it to you straight up. Voters are not opposed to having a level headed, professional, experienced, and ethical woman as President of the United States. Your history of treating staff with distain and conceited arrogance, your sordid history of shady business dealing, and your "women's lib" might have played well in the 1970's but you are not relevant anymore. We don't want a hateful, spiteful, revenge minded, blame-anyone-but-me liar who blames everything on a "vast, right wing conspiracy" (does that mean there is also a vast left wing contingent?) and never looked up the definition of ethical and trustworthy. Plain and simple, the USA does not deserve a bit- - in the White House.

    Now some of you may look at that description and think it fits the current president. Perhaps so, who is to say. However we are not talking about Trump but whether or not Hillary deserves to be voted into office. No, Hillary, no. Please get used to it. Now and forever, nevermind 2020.


  7. Hillary has been a truly horrible candidate each time she's run for an office. Her pitch, start to finish, has rested on her gender as her sterling quality. That won't change.

    In running for the Senate she carpetbagged into liberal NY, bypassing IL, the state of her birth, and Arkansas where Bubba had been governor for a number of terms.

    As a 2008 presidential candidate she got outmaneuvered by Obama in caucus states, plus his bi-racial background was a newer flavor-of-the-month than her gender pitch.

    So she plotted in backrooms and dark corners for 8 years but her resistable qualities still shone through. Thank heaven for that!

  8. Who cares? The majority of us believe she belongs in jail for treason, violations of the espionage act and more!

  9. Killary, Bill, their cohorts, and others should be tried for treason, human rights violations and other charges and then taken a distance away that is convenient and hanged until dead.


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