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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Daylight Saving: What Do People Really Think?

Do you believe we should continue with Daylight Savings Time or eliminate it completely?


  1. Continue it. Sundown before 5 PM in December is just not right.

  2. Ditch it. It interferes with our biological clocks.

  3. Ok, what would be the problem with moving the clock back one half hour this weekend and end all the problems. Just leave it that way. (:

  4. 9:22 the blue light from your phone or tv interferes with your biological clock. You'll adjust to an hour or two of change faster than you think.

  5. Short days are short days, no matter whether you change the clocks, or not. It doesn't make the daylight hours any longer, or shorter.

  6. No what? It's an either-or question.

  7. Before clocks were invented, sunlight ruled.

  8. Leave the clock settings where they are now and do away with all of the rest.

  9. Ditch it! It's a pain each year to have to reset all my clocks, and that lost hour of sleep in the spring is a pain to have to adjust to. The original reasons for this were to allow children to have that extra hour to work in the evening after school at the farm. I think the state of Massachusetts is going to go to Atlantic time and stick to this year round.

  10. I get off work at 4pm. After this weekend by the time I get home its almost dark. This means almost all of my outdoors chores will have to wait for the weekend and is a real pain in the ...well you know.

    I say leave the time as it is now. I would much rather have some daylight in the evening when I get home then have the sun rise a little earlier in the morning.

  11. Eliminate it! Serves no purpose anymore. No one can agree on what the reason was for it in the first place. I have heard everything from saving energy, so farmers had more time to get produce to auction block to making it safer for kids going to school!

  12. I too feel it should just change by 30 minutes and leave it alone.

    Sure, it's no fun getting dark at 5:00pm, what with walking the dog and bring in the trash cans. It's also ludicrous that it is still light at 9:00pm in the summer, whereas getting dark at 8:30pm is not going to impact anybody's day.

  13. Eliminate it NOW!!!

  14. Move further south (towards the equator) and its not that much of an issue!

    I would eliminate it all together!

  15. Ditch it and adjust our OWN schedules.
    I've always thought it was stupid to adjust time. Much easier to adjust work/school schedules.

  16. Eliminate, studies have shown that the governments purpose for it has failed!!

  17. Non working thugs and dreadheads in da bury likes it cause darker quicker means sooner 5 finger discounts.

  18. No! Don't mess with the time period. It only aggravates our body clocks.

  19. Keep Daylight Savings Time (Natural Time)
    Get Rid of Govt (Time Eastern Standard Time) !!

  20. Just Love living in the frigg'n DARK for 6 months !!!
    So Depressing .....Not good for your Mental Health !!

  21. DArk in the mourning / Dark in the evening HATE It !!

  22. Moving to Hawaii were the Time stays the Same !!!!

  23. This government ploy needs to end. There are no real economic savings in this age of technology. Maybe when you needed to depend on natural light for industry in rural areas

  24. Keep it like it is, and change the clocks in the spring (DST). I'd much rather have the extra hour of sunlight at the end of the day in the spring and summer, rather than at 4:00AM. That's the whole reason for DST.


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