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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Charlie Rose has been suspended by CBS amid several allegations of crude sexual advances, and PBS said it would no longer distribute his show

After allegations surfaced that the television host Charlie Rose made crude sexual advances toward multiple women who worked on his show over a dozen years, CBS suspended him and PBS announced that it would no longer distribute his interview show.

Eight women told The Washington Post that he made lewd phone calls to them, walked around naked in front of them or groped them. In addition, two women told The Times that he made unwanted advances toward them, trying to kiss them without their permission.


  1. Hey Joe,

    That idiot Mika Brasinski of morning Joe is complaing about sexual harassment ? How did her and Joe Scarborough meet ? Hmmmm
    Don't tell me there was no hanky panky..... HYPOCRITES.

  2. Don'y you wish CNN and PBS would be so strident about the names of the Congressional "leaders"?
    They are all democrats, that's why.

  3. He apologized by blaming all men. Let's not forget he FIRED the first woman that came forward. He also touched them when they were applicants applying for the job. Total POS...

  4. Do you remember when Trump was trying to become prez and people were worried about his locker room talk? A lot of these people aka members of the press and Hollywood, are on the news now about them being physical and sexually harassing!

  5. So, all these women wait until their abusers are elderly and famous before they come forward? How obvious is it that they are being paid for doing it now? They should ALL be discredited if they hoped to gain something by staying silent then, and to gain something again by saying something now. The women coming forward are not to be trusted. They are looking for something, and it's not justice.


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