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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Berlin McDonald's Installs Self Ordering System

They are now down to only one register at the counter but they have two self ordering kiosks that no one seems to be using, at least while we were in there. We didn't even notice them until we had already finished ordering. Aside from that, I like to pay cash when I order food, call me old school. I just don't like using a credit/debit card to pay for 99% of the things I purchase. How about you?


  1. There Goes the JOBS !!!

  2. I'll just avoid every place that does this.Just because we're old school doesn't mean we're stupid.Almost daily we here of more places that have been hacked,and I'm certainly not ordering anything on line.

    1. "doesn't mean we're stupid"
      Followed by -
      "Almost daily we here"

      Its "hear" not "here". The irony.

  3. Drive through will be the same too > self serve !!! LOL
    Only need people to Cook !! and Take the $$$

    1. Not even take the $$, just cook and give your order to You! You will pay at the kiosk!

  4. Went there Thursday at Noon and it was "helter shelter"!
    A lot of customers in line for the kiosk. Took a long time to get the order right. Had to take number up to only one register to pay.
    Asked the cashier how the ne gizmos were working, she said they needed more help to handle the confusion!

  5. Being retired I am from the old school and like to pay with cash. All this debit/credit crap never lets me know where I stand with what I have or have not in my account. Lets just keep things simple and if anyone does not take cash I simply will move on to those that will. Will probably get a lot of negative crap back but I still like the simple life!

  6. The workers demanded $15 / hr!
    Here's mamnagement's response - they give the $15 / hr job to the person that manages, cleans, and programs the kiosks!

  7. How is that $15 hr ck working ? SNOWFLAKES ??

  8. I don’t eat fast food anymore.

  9. You can still use cash. Just take receipt to register

  10. I don't carry much money on me
    anymore because of so much crime!

  11. I can tell you tbis 110% they are not paying the installers crap to install the units.
    I wont even my tool box. For what they want to pay.

    1. Then make up your income by working at McDs.?

    2. You do know that it’s impossible to do ANYTHING 110% right? Just checking.

  12. They had these in London and at lunch time Mcdonalds was packed and we ordered and had our food in about 3 or 4 minutes.

  13. 9:45 - Robots that cook and assemble sandwiches and fries are working very well in beta test locations.

  14. I use them every time I go. Sooner or later the rotten cashiers will be gone and the smarter ones will remain. I am tired of getting mean mugged by the current crews in these stores. The kiosk do not walk away when they see you coming, they don’t whisper, they are not leaning and do not give attitude. As far as I can tell I have not seen any of them arriving late or calling out. The unemployment office has not seen any filings from them either. They do not ask for food stamps or help to raise their kids, they do not start drama amongst other kiosk and do not threaten their managers. Win Win.

  15. So after you order ...go wash your hands before you eat because now thousands of people have touched your meal. I HATE HATE HATE these and refuse to use one.

    P.S. They have them in Salisbury too.

    1. Wtf you should wash your hands before you eat regardless. I won't go into any public restaurant without sanitizer gel.

  16. Hellooooooooo Wendy's!

  17. 25 cents to use the toilets too !!

  18. Cook your own food , pay , and go !!!


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