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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Alabama State Republicans Want POLYGRAPHS for Moore Accusers

Anyone who steps forward with “bombshell” sexual allegations, especially with “odd timing,” should have to take a polygraph test.

That’s what Alabama State GOP’ers are saying, as they call “BULL” on the 40-year-old sex abuse claims being hurled at Judge Roy Moore, who is running for Senate.

From Washington Examiner

President Trump’s Alabama state campaign co-chairmen called the allegations that Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore pursued sexual relationships with teenagers while in his 30s “bull,” and one suggested the accusers take polygraph tests.“I think it’s just a bunch of bull,” Perry Hooper Jr., Trump’s Alabama state chairman, told Talking Points Memo. “Mitch McConnell should know better to make a statement like he made unless he gets all the answers. We’re right in the political zone right now, the election’s Dec. 12th. This is the same campaign issue the left ran against Donald Trump on, they’re doing the same thing against Roy Moore.”

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