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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Washington Is the “New Rome”

I just got back from a trip to Washington, or what I call “New Rome” because Washington’s relationship to the rest of America is the same as Rome’s relations with the agrarian and plebeian citizens of its vast domains in late antiquity.

Washington is a parasite that sucks the rest of the country dry. The counties surrounding Washington, D.C., have the highest per capita income of any metropolitan area in the country including New York, Hollywood and Silicon Valley. The unemployment rate is also the lowest of any large region in the country.

At least New York, Silicon Valley and Hollywood all produce something we need or enjoy. Washington produces red tape, taxes and new ways to handicap innovation on a daily basis.

While America staggers after its first lost decade (2007–17) and with a new lost decade set to begin (Japan, anyone?), Washington grows fat and rich. Trust me, the hotels and restaurants in town are jammed. No depression here.



  1. This is why politicians are so out of touch with the rest of America. What they say and hear is an echo.
    If you have any friends or relatives that live in or near DC, they are incredulous that Trump won.
    If you live more than 100 miles away, you understand why he did.

    The swamp creatures behave like a piglet when you pull it away from it's mothers teat. They squeal and shake like it's the last time they will get the chance.

  2. When DC sells more Lamborghini's for cash than anywhere in the world that should tell you something.

  3. Most of the Vice there caters to the visiting elected. If people only knew. It's like Rome alright. Caligula's Rome.

  4. I have been investing and trading for over 20yrs. The market does look like it is in bubble territory. Never go broke by taking a profit.

  5. DC wasn't always like that. I believe it just gets worse year by year. Especially during the Obama Administration and Affirmative action in the Govt.

  6. The Collisium will soon be built next !!! Wonder Who will
    have to fight for their Life there for the Govt's Pleasure ?

  7. Put the Politicians (esp Demon-crats) in there First !!!

  8. Ceasar Obama has been Removed from Power ...Now clean up
    the SWAMP !!!!

  9. The Clintons Rule ROME !!!


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