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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Demo/MSM's Gold Star Defamation

Last Thursday, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly sought to put to bed a week-long, Leftmedia-driven story of Donald Trump’s phone call to a grieving widow. Kelly rightly called out Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) as an “empty barrel” for her self-promoting politicizing of a sacred, private event — separate from her criticism of Trump’s phone call and exploitation of a widow’s grief — even though he was inaccurate on the details. His point was that Wilson is a grandstanding narcissist who, in the words of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is “all hat, no cattle.” Kelly is exactly right. Ignoring his call for respecting American military personnel killed in action and their grieving loved ones, however, Wilson and her cohorts in the media labeled Kelly’s remarks as racist, demanded an apology for Kelly’s “character assassination,” and further churned an entire weekend’s worth of “news.”

Meanwhile, having already once made this assertion, on Sunday Wilson tweeted that “Niger is [Trump’s] Benghazi. He needs to own it.” Like the good Demo/MSM propaganda outlet that it is, CNN and other Leftmedia outlets took the cue to search for the “massive intelligence failure” in Niger prior to the ambush killings of four Americans. CNN also sought to exploit other grieving Gold Star parents in an attempt to paint Trump as uncaring and un-presidential.

Mark Alexander explains, “CNN is doing everything possible to use the death of four Americans in Niger as political fodder to hack Trump."



  1. Just another sideshow for taking heat off the Clinton's.

  2. I remember a POTUS and a Sec'y of State who told 4 Gold Star families their loved ones died because of a YouTube video.

  3. We are a blue star family, as my son is a special forces soldier. We go weeks, months not knowing where he is. But I can say this : moral is much higher under this POTUS than it was in the last. They actually SUPPORT their commander in chief now.
    It is a travesty and almost criminal what that cowboy wearing congresswoman is trying to do to our president. She immediately equated Trumps COMPLIMENT in his acknowledgment of the SF soldiers volunteering to serve was the context. This bozo twisted his condolences to make him look bad for her own political purposes.
    I hope she gets what Aunt Nancy has.


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