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Monday, October 30, 2017

VIDEO: Pelosi face spasms mar speech; Utters gibberish, confuses 'trillions' and 'billions'

What is wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

During her weekly press conference on Thursday, the House Minority Leader was seen stumbling over words, uttering gibberish, staring blankly at reporters, and on at least two occasions, suffering from face spasms.

“What an event-filled morning has been,” Pelosi began, botching her opening line.

It went downhill from there.

“Really one that, uh, marks a transf— for—” she said, before staring at reporters barely 10 seconds into the appearance, and finally saying, “transformative moment…”

Moments later, she confused “trillions” and “billions.”



  1. She's perfect for the job!

  2. The Lube Girl's family should save themselves and her embarrassment by pulling her out and off the stage.

  3. 3 words: Unfit To Serve
    But, then again, leave her there to make the people who elected her look even better.

  4. She was just having Cocaine Withdraw !!!

  5. Time for her to GO ...old and worn out Finally !!!


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