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Monday, October 30, 2017

JFK Files: CIA Planned Deadly Attack In Miami To Blame Cuba

False flag plan was part of ‘Operation Mongoose’

As reporters have began to sift through the thousands of newly revealed government documents relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and subsequent investigation, we are starting to see some stunning revelations concerning not only JFK but the overall mindset of the CIA at the time in their all out war against Communism.

One of the more scary revelations to come out so far details a copy of a paper on “Pretexts” for war with Cuba that described a plan, under Operation Mongoose, to conduct false flag terror attacks in Miami, to be blamed on Cuba but actually carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency.

“Operation Mongoose” was the operational name for the CIA’s plan to topple the Castro government which we now know included purposefully killing our own citizens.



  1. I saw documents years ago, how they wanted to do a false flag operation in a few different ways to get us to go to war with Cuba... Everyone said you are a conspiracy theorists, yet there was documentation to prove what I was saying... So what do they call a conspiracy in which is true or happens??? It is called reality!!!!!

    That in and of itself should tell you, you people don't know everything and that you will always be lied to by the govt and deep state people like the CIA... So that is why I find it funny how you people think you know it all, yet you don't and refuse to investigate it for yourself, and want to call others who may actually know something or have evidence conspiracy theorist...

    That is what the govt wants you to think and believe and you are part of the problem if you think that way... Always have an open mind, think outside the box, and consider everything!!!!

  2. This is how the Viet Nam war started. The government claimed Viet Nam attacked one of our Navy ships which never was proven.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is how the Viet Nam war started. The government claimed Viet Nam attacked one of our Navy ships which never was proven.

    October 30, 2017 at 2:34 PM

    You are referring to the Gulf of Tonkin incident but we were involved a long time before that happened. It did inspire an official declaration and we became more heavily involved in that place.

    I think it is widely believed/proven that the incident did not take place as described. So we had ten more years of war there.


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