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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Uranium Deal Turns Spotlight on Hillary Clinton But Not the Way She Wanted

Hillary and Bill Clinton could have been involved in "pay-to-play" schemes, while transferring money through their charity in a non-transparent manner, according to Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel who believes that the uranium deal may become the trigger for an all-out inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons' "modus operandi" is first, to lie under oath, and, second, to obstruct justice from within government and even from outside government, Charles Ortel alleged, commenting on investigations launched by the Senate and the House of Representatives into the Obama-era uranium deal. It was rumored that as secretary of state Hillary Clinton approved the agreement benefiting Russia in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation (CF) from Canadian mining industry leaders involved in the deal. Clinton refuted the claim that she helped support the donors' interests.

Hillary's Uranium Case: Why Now?

Answering the question why of all times Hillary Clinton's uranium case has surfaced now, Ortel noted that it was Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley who kicked off the initiative following the release of reports by US journalists John Solomon and Sara Carter.

Ortel believes that Attorney General Jeff Sessions "has been dragging his feet on putting resources behind a full and complete investigation of the network of charities operated by and for the Clintons that seems to be engaged in the largest frauds perpetrated in modern history, when one considers all the tentacles."

While speaking to Alabama voters in late September, Donald Trump responded to their chant "lock her [Clinton] up" by saying: "You've got to speak to Jeff Sessions about that." Then, during an October 18 congressional hearing, Attorney General Sessions dropped the hint that the Justice Department was looking into the alleged conflict of interest involving the former secretary of state.

Is the Clinton investigation launched by the US Congress, and, allegedly, Sessions, connected to the ongoing Trump-Russia probe?



  1. She not worried, she blows it all off, like the rest !!!
    Even though.....she Is GUILTY !!!

  2. Make the Clinton Foundation Mafia Pay Back all that $$$$
    to the US Govt as a Fine !!!

  3. Now she has a new place to collect all that money and not even report who gave it.
    Hillary Clinton Launches Unlimited ‘Dark Money’ Group “Onward Together,”
    What a crap website - hardly any information on it and liberal idiots will still "donate" to yet another Clinton cash cow. It is listed as a 501(c)(4) so Hillary can maximize her profit margins without paying taxes. According to the IRS, a 501(c)(4) is a "Social welfare organization: Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare." That basically means what she does with the funds is pretty much limitless. She could put every penny in her pocket and simply say "I promote social welfare." To top it all off is the people donating can not even deduct it on their taxes. Another scam just like her Foundation. Disgusting but no one seems to care that they are the corrupt ones. The group, according to an aide, will be a 501(c)(4) with a connected PAC, meaning money raised through the political nonprofit will not have to disclose donors. A Clinton aide said the group will "follow the guidelines," meaning they will not release their list of donors.]

  4. Her LUCK is running out !!! so is it for Clinton Foundation & Obama & Lynch .....WAit and see !!!!!!!!!


    Congress is ON it !!!!!

  5. Mr Steel in the UK will be a Star witness to take her Down !

  6. DEMON-CRAT COLLUSION !!!! with R U S S I A !!!


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