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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

FBI surprised Bill Clinton took $500,000 from Russia

When former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 check from a Kremlin-linked bank in 2010 to give a speech in Moscow it served, to the FBI, as further evidence the Russians had unleashed an influence campaign designed to get access to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Hill newspaper reported Sunday night that the FBI had been keeping close tabs on a Russian spy network that was trying to inch closer to the Clintons at the dawn of the Obama administration, with one spy – who was eventually arrested and deported – briefly posing successfully as an American accountant and working for a top Democratic donor.

FBI agents were 'surprised by the timing and size,' the Hill wrote, of Bill Clinton's half-million dollar speech, which has raised conflict-of-interest questions about Hillary Clinton, as the transaction occurred around the same time she was being asked to sign off on a uranium deal, which gave Russia 20 percent of the U.S.'s deposits.



  1. Never be surprised by the timing of anything the Clintons do. It's all plotted out, except for that presidential loss.

  2. I dont get it. At best uranium is a fuel source at worst its the most destructive weapon man has ever created. There was no legitimate reason to give that to Russia. Why this is not treason is beyond me. The Clintons need to be tired and executed.

  3. obamas FBI is suprised ??? this is TREASON,

  4. The Clintons are political prostitutes. Always were, always will be.

  5. Worst part is the Uranium left the US through Canada To a Unkown location!! Clinton was one of 9 on the board that approved the deal. The board was hand chosen by obama. However clinton had no idea of what happened she was voting yes because it was good for America. 2 weeks pre board meeting BILL was paid 500k for a twenty minute speech in Russia... Clinton global was paid 150 MILLION by Russia after the deal was approved.

    1. Obama the Muslim looking to DESTROY America.

  6. They were surprised at the total gall of taking an obvious bribe!

    Not a word from the Attorney General or any cop.
    Two Sets of Laws.
    And YOU don't benefit from it, but you can't stop cheering.
    Bill and Hillary are heroes!!
    To the Russians......
    In the USA they are just plain killers.

    keep cheering.


  7. There is a logical explanation.

    It was before Obama got in bed with Castro, and Cuban cigars were expensive. Bill Clinton enjoys cigars.

  8. That 500k was a pay off for something other than a speech. The speech was just a guise.

  9. Lock him up !!!! Along with Hillary and Obama !!!

  10. Were are the LAWYERS ???? Quid Pro Quo ????????

  11. They are Bought & Paid For & belong to Putin !!!

    Let Putin testify & throw them under the bus !!!

  12. I'm sure they offered him Beautiful Russian Women for his
    Pleasures while he was there.....to set him up ....one of
    the old tricks in the spy book !!! Prob Taped them in action too !!!


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