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Sunday, October 01, 2017

Two Suspects Arrested For Graffiti At Court House In Salisbury


  1. Are you sure those are the guys that wrote racial comments on the County Courthouse steps in chalk? They look like a couple of good-ole boys to me.

  2. Finally! Good Job WCSD. 30yr old child delinquents. Who wants to wager they are registered democrats?!?! Thats right... And the big question...guess who their best friends/associates with...bwahahahaha!

  3. Whoa Nellie - dem dar boys need a good whippin and some exercising!

  4. Is Jordan the brother of Facebook Social Justice Warrior Trent Swanson??

  5. That tatted little hipster is going to have a good time in prison! LOL I really didn't know chalking was a crime.

  6. They need community service that is really nasty - working at landfill or on back of garbage truck. Better yet - janitors in the Court House for a year!

  7. I have friends in the prison system waiting for you Snowflakes lol.

  8. Couple of live off momma punks... community service cleaning public bathrooms and the exterior of the Courthouse plus a fine!!!!

  9. Good job Culver/Lewis screw SPD.

  10. 4:08 "and were released on Criminal Citation"

    3:19 doesn't fit your agenda that these were white boys?

    1. 445 I think 99 percent of the public know they were white. Seeing how the domestic terrorist group they belong to are mostly white. Unlike BLM terrorist group.

  11. I am so happy that Wicomico County is Prosecuting These Men for their disrespectful acts upon our Heritage Monuments. They look like SU students to me, and are probably Liberals from the Other Side of the Bay. Frankly, they should Go Back to wherever they Came From, and leave us alone. The Eastern Shore is Conservative, and if you don't like it, You Can Leave!!!

  12. So now I know what they do when they climb the stairs from the basement and go outside.

  13. Shoveling sludge for six weeks at the WWTP sounds fitting for the crime. Or picking up 100,000 cigarette butts each at every stoplight in the county. Or ten days in stocks in front of the courthouse.
    Whatever it is, make it memorable. And don't forget that this most likely qualifies as a hate crime, so make the penalty appropriate and a warning to other addled doofuses like these two.

  14. Their X-Boxes must be broke.

  15. The Red Headed Stepchild version of Laurel and Hardy!

  16. 3:19 Swanson was a Bernie supporter. I doubt he is one of the "good ole boys"

  17. S low
    P lacid
    D ivision

  18. They look a lite old to be SU students, unless they're on the eleven year plan.

  19. Congratulations to law enforcement in finding and charging these two nut jobs. They are now exposed for what they are. Maybe they will receive what they deserve.

  20. Laughing at all the people calling an Iraq combat vet a snowflake

  21. They were just out hoping to find a date with Magical Molly.

  22. Bucky Richardson did u scrape the chalk off with ur teeth

    1. 7:14, who is Bucky Richardson and what’s up with his teeth?

  23. forget all the BS, a crime was committed, pay the price. none of this "I'm sorry", man up pals.

  24. One looks like a meth addict, the other like a food addict. Funny how Obama didn't help either of them. Or Hillary, either.

  25. What kind of a grown man has chalk on them? This is hilarious!

    1. It was in his purse! Ha

    2. 7:43, they are very active members of the Hopscotch Club of Salisbury. The members of this club, founded by Jake Day to increase activity in the downtown area, ALWAYS carry chalk just in case they are challenged to a high stakes game of hopscotch. It’s important to be prepared at all times to protect their “street cred”.

  26. The Swansons are big friends of the Lib left; no doubt what happened here. That little addict was their pawn

  27. Jordan Trent Swanson

    Camarero at Specific Gravity Pizzeria
    Worked at Buffalo Wild Wings
    Studied at James M. Bennett High School

    1. 4:11, thanks for the motivation to look up “camarero”. According to the dictionary “camarero” is Spanish for “waiter”. I didn’t know Specific Gravity was a Hispanic restaurant. These clowns are hilarious. Trying to use a fancy foreign word to make their waiter job sound alluring and important. Reminds me of janitors being called “environmental specialists”. This world is out of control. I wonder what word or phrase he will use to describe his chalk antics. I can see it now, when asked to explain his criminal conviction later in life, he will say he was an “embellecimiento tiza artista”. This same clown complains when he has to choose English over Spanish at the ATM.

  28. They are a cute little couple of gingers!! Reminds me of the nursery rhyme “jack sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean”. Everybody I know with red hair is insane in the membrane. Typical.

  29. Oh Thank the Lord, I can sleep tonight knowing my beloved "bury" is not subject to such a heinous chalking scourge. Sure, I still stand a good chance of being raped, robbed, or shot, but at least I won't get chalked. All hail the tiny sheriff.

  30. Yeah, I can see those two Antifa thugettes wearing their pink pussy hats now.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Laughing at all the people calling an Iraq combat vet a snowflake

    September 27, 2017 at 6:27 PM

    "An Iraq combat vet" I just spit out my coffee through my nose.

    At least you didn't call the Snow Flake a "hero."

    Which Snow Flake are you referring to?

  32. Anonymous said...
    Oh Thank the Lord, I can sleep tonight knowing my beloved "bury" is not subject to such a heinous chalking scourge. Sure, I still stand a good chance of being raped, robbed, or shot, but at least I won't get chalked. All hail the tiny sheriff.

    September 28, 2017 at 7:11 AM

    You should send your rape sarcasm to Jake Day, Barb Duncan and the Barney Fife's of da 'Bury because the "tiny sheriff" isn't responsible for the crimes in da Ghetto 'Bury.

  33. These two ANTIFA "fascists" didn't due much damage this time but their goal was to intimidate other and blame black people for doing it. Democrats used to use the Klan now it's ANTIFA. Fear and intimidation.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Laughing at all the people calling an Iraq combat vet a snowflake

    September 27, 2017 at 6:27 PM

    Is he still trying to get the Government to pay for his sex change?

  35. Sponge Bob and Squidward ?...

  36. 6:49 AM and the garbage men are now "field operations"

  37. A combat vet that never saw action...aka spectator.

    1. 4:39, he did indeed see action. He hand wrestled trouser snakes in the tents. Ultimately giving them a good tongue lashing.

  38. Anonymous said...
    A combat vet that never saw action...aka spectator.

    October 1, 2017 at 4:39 PM

    Sounds like Jake Day!

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Laughing at all the people calling an Iraq combat vet a snowflake

    September 27, 2017 at 6:27 PM

    Is he still trying to get the Government to pay for his sex change?

    October 1, 2017 at 11:14 AM




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