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Sunday, October 01, 2017

NFL Ratings Tank – Worst Viewership In Nearly Two Decades

NFL ratings are in an absolute free fall after week two of the season.

Viewership for the league is down to its lowest point since 1998, according to Sports Media Watch.

From Sports Media Watch:

The Week 2 NFL singleheader window delivered an 8.4 rating and 14.5 million viewers on CBS Sunday, down 24% in ratings and viewership from last year on FOX (11.0, 19.2M) and down 14% and 13% respectively from 2015 on CBS (9.8, 16.7M).

The 8.4 rating is the lowest for the Week 2 singleheader since at least 1998. The first two NFL windows on CBS this season have both declined double-digits to multi-year lows.



  1. So kneely boys and girls, how do you like me now?

  2. ESPN, CBS, et.al. are in complete denial - this year and last.
    Last year, they blamed - and continued to blame - the fall in viewership on the election! Yeah, like I chose to watch O'Reilly and Hannity talk politics over Monday/Thursday Night Football.
    Give me a break! Beer, chips, cheerleaders, big hits... that's why I watch (or used to watch) football.
    The liberal deniers refuse to admit that NFL fans don't like liberal crap being displayed on the field. What they do on their own time, we don't care, but just don't do it on OUR field. What's the excuse this time??? Huh??? Can't hear you.
    The reason is one word: Kaepernick
    Once Roger Goodell admits it, it'll get fixed. Free speech my ass!!


  3. Couldn't happen to more deserving bunch!

  4. Not good enough. Americans - continue the boycott until the league must fold! Also, boycott NBA and MLB if they start this crap as well!!

  5. Good! I hope they keep tanking double digit. Hit them where it hurts them the most - in the pocket! If the NFL and team owners don't make the money they can't pay these entertainers multi million dollar salary!

  6. 4:06 I'm loving you. You're going to make my tickets cheaper.

    1. So this is all just a plot to drive down the price of NFL tickets??? Diabolical!!!

  7. maybe because its a dumb game?
    Miss B

  8. When history is the judge, they will be the ones viewed as trying to divide America

  9. My 14 yo son just ripped up his Ravens shirt.

  10. This is what the liberals do not seem to realize - with freedom of speech/action comes responsibility and consequences.

  11. I was your audience, but no more. If I am not entertained, the TV goes dark. I will no longer tolerate (especially at a price) bad programming, including unfunny humor, untrue news, bad scripts, or actors who insult my country with no other agenda but ruining it for me and my children. This goes for sports actors, too.

  12. Hey 32 WHITE owners - your shrinking nut ($$$$$) is starting to be officially reflected. Although you've known this for years and offset reality by increasing concessions, parking, taking seats out of your stadiums, player contracts only for the elite (hows that Andrew Luck deal doing for you Colts? No other players on that team and you reek) and now you stand arm/arm with players. Those BOOOOs weren't in support of your antics - it was the last straw!

    It only gets worse 32 gentlemen....oh NBA with your outrages salaries - YOU"RE NEXT!

  13. Best news I've heard all week!

  14. Its going to get Worse.

  15. There OWN RULES State they have to stand but we the PEOPLE will punish them $$$$$$$$$$$$

  16. Let's see if BLM and the welfare crowd fill the stadiums .

  17. They will be hitting us up for a taxpayer bailout.

  18. When you start letting the inmates run the asylum, the end is near

  19. These footballers have no business exercising their 1st Amendment Rights when we are trying to gather our 6th beer and the pretzels before the kickoff. Express yourselves somewhere else and on your own time!

  20. STOP ALL FUNDS to build txa payer stadiums.

  21. BOYCOTT all tv games and blast the advertisers.

  22. As soon as players take a knee,the fans should head for the parking lot.

  23. Hey Dan Snyder - hows that idea of getting a NEW stadium built in DC or VA with taxpayers' dollars lookin now?

    HA HA HA stupid little man!

  24. Time for the
    N O
    F ANS
    L EFT

    To start paying TAXES and ALL tax paying stadiums to END.

  25. No more Public Funding of stadiums. these are for-profit companies that obviously have a distain for America, why should we give the greedy ingrates any money.

  26. 9:48. That has a nice ring to it. I see a bumper sticker in the near future. No Fans Left.

  27. The Leftists goal was to shut down the NFL they tried through racism when they went after the names of teams they pressured advertisers and now decided to do it from the inside out in the same manner they are doing to America itself. False victim hood and self righteous indignation.


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