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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Traffic Advisory: Seagull Century Bike Ride

Event: Seagull Century Bike Ride Date: October 14, 2017

Time: 6:30 am until 10:00 am (approximately)

Location: East Cedar Lane @ North Division Street, Fruitland

The Fruitland Police Department would like to warn motorists and
citizens to expect travel delays in the area of the roundabout, located at the intersection of East Cedar Lane and North Division Street in Fruitland. There will be delays between the hours of 6:30 am and
10:00 am on Saturday October 14 th, as the Seagull Century bike riders travel through the Fruitland area on Division Street.

Officers will be on hand directing traffic in that area.


  1. I hate those spandex wearing road hogs. They want to "share" the road but never follow traffic laws like stoping at red lights or stop signs.

  2. JUst what we need .......More Traffic Threats !!!!!!! Wooo

  3. Need to Designate NO-Bike Roads too for everyone's SAFETY !!!!!

  4. its ok, these riders dont obey traffic laws.
    if you encounter them on the back roads they dont want to let you pass, and seem to try and play chicken

    so just ignore them

  5. It would be manageable if the bikers were polite but some are arrogant jerks thinking they can block the road, etc.

  6. I just roll coal on them if they are hogging a backroad.

  7. 9:37 me too. Looks great on their yellow spandex!

  8. LOVE how they ride 5 or 6 people wide so you can't pass... but drivers are encouraged to "share" the road.

  9. When they fall in roads that should have NO bikes (no room
    for them) and Sue You, then you will push for NO Bike roads
    and NO BIKE zones , which are Badly needed !!!!!!!!

    These Bike Lover groups have taken the Laws too far and are
    making our already Unsafe roads far worse and Unsafe !!!

    In OC MD they are allowed in what Should ONLY be the BUS lanes.......endangering them and the bus passengers !!!!!

    They are even Given Priority OVER the Bus in the lanes !!!!
    and the bus has to Pull out into the Dangerous Traffic lanes just to pass them OR they could not get Anywhere !!!

  10. It is Common sense >> Many roads are too narrow and have no
    shoulder wide enough for bikes, yet our crooked Govt still
    lets them ride there and even puts in a painted lane there
    were there is Clearly NO Room !!!

    If I ever hit a bike I would SUE the damn Govt for their
    irresponsibility who are the CAUSE for the accident in the
    First place.

    They are endangering motor traffic AND the bikes !!!!!!
    The whole Bike Thing problem is purely Politics !!!!!!!

  11. The bikers are just endangering their own selves and think
    they are getting over on motor traffic by lobbying for these
    bike lanes and forcing their way around.......
    It should also be a Law that they have to move over to the right when motor traffic comes up on them, instead of them
    staying in the middle of the lane, (to be smart) and forcing
    motor traffic (incl buses) to go around them.
    Many also ride in the wrong direction ..Facing Motor Traffic
    Bikers should be made by Law to have Insurance , just like
    Motor vehicles, in case they CAUSE an accident and Damage
    Our vehicles or cause us to get hurt !!! Tags too !!!

  12. 11:43 Right if they want to be on the road , they should have to pay to do it , just like the motor vehicles have to.

    Insurance and Tags !

  13. This is Not the 50's 60's or 70's
    Alot more Danger / Traffic .....this is 2017 last time I
    checked !!!
    Call your congressman , push for NO Bike Roads / Zones !!

  14. They are just like " UNINSURED MOTORIST "
    Were do YOU get compensated if they involve YOU in an
    accident .....if They are Liable ...they have No Insurance
    So, IT WILL BE ON YOUR INSURANCE ...just like when an
    Uninsured motorist hits YOU !!! Think Think America !!!

  15. Keep them in Fruitland !!!! Salisbury don't want them !!!

  16. It's once a year folks! Relax, and let them ride. Take your time and go around them. The route is almost entirely on back roads. There are some really angry red-neck comments on here. No wonder so many urban people think we are a bunch of hillbillies.

  17. This event should be discontinued.

  18. It's one weekend a year. Just get over it.

  19. They all act like idiots. Will not even move over for ambulances

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's one weekend a year. Just get over it.

    October 11, 2017 at 5:06 PM

    yes indeed, get over the bodies after you run them over lol

  21. The bikes can just GET OVER being in our motor vehicle Way !
    and Stay Out of the way !!!!

  22. Let them ride around a bike track ..stay off roads !!!!

  23. WOW, JUST WOW...... reviewing these Anti Exercise Bike comments makes me realize their are allot of donut eating, beer belly drinking idiots who sit in front of their TV 24/7. Do you even walk to your mail box???

    1. Don't be a jerk.

    2. 7:57. These fat ass internet warriors are walking only to the refrigerator.

  24. The event is one day a year but all summer long the local panty wearing bike jockeys clog up the back roads on weekends when people that actually work need to get places. Farmers, carpenters, watermen, landscapers and the like.

  25. Blogger Zorro said...
    WOW, JUST WOW...... reviewing these Anti Exercise Bike comments makes me realize their are allot of donut eating, beer belly drinking idiots who sit in front of their TV 24/7. Do you even walk to your mail box???

    October 11, 2017 at 7:57 PM

    No, jag off. Exercise bikes? lmao. get real. Fewer people have something against those who ride their bikes for exercise, these types of events, or just for the joy of it, that the ones who literally hate the morons out there using their bikes to harass and piss off motorists.

    And that little maggot who allows bikes to use the full lane should fall off a very tall building.

    People are all for those that know how to ride their bikes correctly and don't intentionally be a nuisance and a road hazard. You can tell who they are just by observing their riding style, facial expressions, and body language.

    Bicyclists benefit from having the same rights as motor vehicles but some ride their bikes like a ten-year-old child while ignoring the same laws they are protected with.

    And just from your comment, I think we all can safely assume YOU are one of those. Keep it up. Karma will find you one day.

  26. Maryland State law says that bicycles must stay as far right of center as possible so as not to interfere with traffic. It's right on their Maryland law web site. Always a lot of a- holes in this group. Rude as hell. They need to get over themselves.

  27. Before we moved away from the cesspool we learned to just go away for the weekend. I would get so wrung up my wife couldn't stand me.
    We both bike some, but narrow country roads are not safe to bike or jog on.

    1. Narrow back roads are the best..would you rather have a group 10 deep riding down Salisbury Blvd or College to Beglin?

  28. A royal pain in the rear end for drivers at this busy weekend. Lets not have one for another CENTURY

  29. What the heck are you internet trolling haters thinking? You have several thousand people coming to your area joining many of your neighbors in generating $7 million for the local economy! Just try showing a little hospitality and class. Yes there are some minor inconveniences to our normal routine. They come by my house, and I have to wait at the end of the driveway a bit, and then pick up some energy bar wrappers the next day. So what? There are a few bad apples in every group. So if your road gets a little crowded for one day try taking the "high road".

    1. $7 million. You are full of it.

  30. When i was younger, I was taught to stay as far to the edge of the road as possible so cars could pass and you didn't get hit. But the anger expressed here is for valid reasons: the spandex road hogs ride out in the middle of the road 2,3,4 wide ALL THE TIME! Think about that, bike jockeys: if you were in a car, would you ride slow and impede traffic? Of course not! so why do you think you have the right to do it on a bike?! If you do, you deserve to get your wings clipped.
    I get it for this event and have no issue with the seagull century. My beef is for the other 51 weeks. Be courteous and the drivers will reciprocate.

  31. 7:57--
    I'm thinking you are one of these a$$hat bicyclists who endanger themselves and others with their lack of courtesy. Quite possibly a liberal/Democrat that can only sling insults when they're in the wrong. But I digress. I was so relieved that this year I didn't have to be at work in the A.M., trying to get past the people riding so many wide that they took up the entire lane headed out towards the bypass on Cedar Lane. I guess it's OK if they cause a head-on accident because the motorists literally have nowhere else to go? Let me tell you what: if it came down to that decision, the bicyclists are going to lose. So, no, 12:11, we don't want them in Fruitland, either!

  32. Well, nobody died and nobody crashed. Nice work, everyone!

  33. Glad it is Over >> Good Riddance !!!! See Ya

  34. Did not make me, or most of anyone else here a Penny !!
    Just caused ALot of Danger here on DelMarVa roads to benefit
    a few !!!!!!!!!

  35. There WERE accidents and Lucky things not worse !!!

  36. A LIFE is worth far more than $7 million !!!
    Need NO-Bike Roads !!!!

  37. How much did those State Police escorts Cost Taxpayers ???

    1. Costs nothing- seagull century pays out if its budget for all man power. Try again

  38. I saw the Road Hogs 4 to 5 deep side by side , taking up
    whole traffic lanes as they ride !! Not Nice

  39. Only areas with No Motor Traffic should be used for Bikes !

  40. What is next for all of you back road speed demons after you get No-bike roads? No-farm equipment? No-grass cutting and litter pick-up roads? And please don't think you are fooling anyone with your public safety smoke screen. It is very clear to normal people, that you are just trolls that spew hate and ugly stereotypes. You mock and judge just because someone wears different clothing without knowing their character, all the while making your own character embarrassingly obvious.

  41. A bike is still a vehicle by law. Just like with motor vehicles, some obey the law and some don't. Live with it.

  42. Get insurance and Tags then 7:07 , then , it's a vehicle !!

  43. Come back in the NEXT CENTURY !!! LOL

  44. Oh, no no no! Salisbury has "Designated Bike Lanes". If those cyclists are not in a bike lane then they are fair game. What's that you say? Only Two strips of rt. 13 have it? Tough! Find your bike lane.

  45. Well the Seagull bike ride is over, and there were no bicyclists hit and there were no head on collisions again this year. Why all the fuss rednecks? Come back next year and fuss again. Try to be angry and get other people angry at nothing. I just passed them slowly and on a double yellow line, to boot. When I met a car, I just eased back over there with the bikes, and everybody was fine. A slight inconvenience for everyone's enjoyment. I look forward to the visitors next year. Thousands of bikes are quite a spectacle to see.

  46. Bunch of Egotists on bikes, in everyone elses way , Glad
    they don't stay !!!
    No bike Lane on the road ? then keep them off that road !!

  47. Boy, there sure are some narrow minded twits here on the Shore.


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