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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Those Consummate Celebrity Hypocrites

"Not good riddance, but riddance," Jimmy Kimmel!

It would not be accurate to say that all celebrities are narcissists. Nor that all of them are eventually seduced by their fame and fortune to believe, because they’ve made a lot of money in the business of pretense, or by throwing balls or by telling jokes, that somehow their opinion on everything else matters. But the fact is, many people are compelled into celebrity fame by varying degrees of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

That would include a lot of celebrity politicians, most notably Barack Obama, who should have a shelf full of Oscars for his eight-year acting role as “president” — along with his Nobel Appeasement Prize. Having endured a few episodes of the Democrat administration of Frank Underwood in the fictional series “House of Cards,” I can tell you that the primary difference between that farce and Obama’s administration is that actor Kevin Spacey has better scriptwriters.

The same pathological egocentrism that propelled Obama’s meteoric celebrity is epidemic in the “entertainment” industry.



  1. sara silverman held this dude down in the wash cycle for years.

  2. They made wicked fun of little people, too. No safe spaces on that show.


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