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Thursday, October 19, 2017

GOT HER! Maxine Waters Caught Taking What’s NOT Hers

Corrupt Maxine Waters has been caught with her hand in the Congressional till again. Long known as one of the most corrupt members of Congress, this time, she outdid herself. The older she gets, the more arrogant she gets and face it… Mad Max has never been the brightest bulb in the socket. Naomi Lim of the Washington Examiner is bringing to light how Maxine Waters spent $10,000 in campaign committee funds on tickets to the Broadway musical Hamilton. She categorized it as a “fundraising expense,” which isn’t sitting very well with the Federal Elections Commission.

Waters isn’t returning comment on the development. She’s too busy smearing Ben Carson and calling for the impeachment of President Trump. Seems to me that she deflects an awful lot… she tries to paint others with the corruption she wears daily. Inquiries made to Ticket Fulfillment Services LP, the recipient listed on the form, were also not immediately responded to. Citizens for Waters raised a total of $954,948 and spent $1.05 million to re-elect her. She has been in the US Congress since 1991.



  1. Why isn't it being ARRESTED ?

  2. We're are the charges ?

  3. She has been in the US Congress since way too long ago.

  4. She'll just do her standard outrage bit in front of a microphone and a gaggle of sycophant journalists, with her "dat's right, dat's right, praise the Lord, praise the Lord" entourage nodding behind her. Thirty seconds into it she'll turn the tirade into an attack on all things Trump and the media present will run with it.

    Same show, different day. Time for this one to go.

  5. Once again, the ball-less public will sit back and do nothing.

  6. This woman makes my skin crawl. Like most politicians, she will not be punished for her crimes.

  7. She was in Congress when Abe Lincoln was still a Lawyer!

  8. she tries to paint others with the corruption she wears daily.

    That's the hallmark of all demoncrats.

  9. If the media doesn't cover it nothing ever happens...In case you were wondering who was in control of the country.


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