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Sunday, October 22, 2017

‘She likes fancy words’: Md. GOP delegate’s mockery of Democratic gubernatorial candidate sparks a backlash

Maryland House Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga (R-Baltimore County) is receiving some backlash for comments about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Maya Rockeymoore Cummings that some critics have characterized as petty and divisive.

Szeliga wrote on her Facebook page: “Elijah Cumming’s wife running for MD gov. - she likes fancy words - ‘minutiae’ to let us know how smart she is - ‘I have a Ph.D. in political science with an emphasis on public policy,’ she said. ‘I am confident on mastering any minutiae when it comes to government and policy.’ ”

Rockeymoore Cummings, a policy consultant who is married to U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), is the eighth Democratic candidate vying to unseat popular Gov. Larry Hogan (R). She announced her campaign on Thursday morning.

Szeliga’s post received nearly 150 responses. Almost 95 laughed at it; three dozen liked it.

While the majority of those who commented on the post cheered Szeliga on, others were offended by what they saw as an attack on an educated black woman.



  1. If Andy Harris calls it quits, I'm for Kathy to replace him in Congress!

  2. Always the race card.

    The fact that she's married to Elijah Cummings should disqualify her from any office of trust.

  3. 1:54 nailed it - showed her stupidity right there.
    If she's as racist as he is - or as divisive, this will be fun to watch!
    Go Kathy - go Larry!

  4. I suspect the press is attempting to make this an issue, when it is not, is because Kathy is white.

    1. 2:14pm... Ya Think! (Sarcasm intended).

  5. maybe Rockeymoore should write to the level of the people she wants to vote for her

  6. I have been following Kathy since the debates, where the forum wouldn't allow the independent candidate in and Kathy was more than open in allowing her to join.
    That's class. She won me there.

  7. What's Her Name is just riding on the coattails of her race-baiting idiot husband.

  8. kathy needs to grow a set. She's always tried to figure out which way the wind blows then not get caught up in it! another rino!

  9. I don't know her, don't care about her, but regarding "Fancy Words?" Are we really spitting and spewing sarcasms about someone being educated now? Really? YEOW! That in and of itself is really, very sad.

  10. She has to be smarter than her racist idiot husband


  11. Here's the play, kids. Rockey ain't gonna win. Boris would be more likely to successfully teach Bullwinkle to read and write Russian.

    But her husband's friends can contribute to her campaign. After the curtain comes down she can keep what's left just as if she'd passed GO many, many times.

  12. 6:45 - if she was, she wouldn't have married HIM!

  13. The fact that she's married to Elijah Cummings should disqualify her from any office of trust.

    October 16, 2017 at 1:54 PM

    That's more or less what I was going to say.

  14. The Dems and Blacks whipping out that race card again.

  15. Anonymous said...
    If Andy Harris calls it quits, I'm for Kathy to replace him in Congress!

    October 16, 2017 at 1:36 PM

    You're an idiot!

  16. Anonymous said...
    kathy needs to grow a set. She's always tried to figure out which way the wind blows then not get caught up in it! another rino!

    October 16, 2017 at 4:41 PM


    Have you noticed she and RINO Hogan use the same playbook. Not supporting Trump and then she said she was going to put in a bill to have the Taney statue removed anyway, but RINO Hogan "beat her to it." She is a worthless RINO that needs to be replaced.

  17. DIZEMAN aka Jon Dize said...
    I don't know her, don't care about her, but regarding "Fancy Words?" Are we really spitting and spewing sarcasms about someone being educated now? Really? YEOW! That in and of itself is really, very sad.

    October 16, 2017 at 5:10 PM

    I have no problem with her sarcasm, I have a problem with her flip flopping and RINO ways.

    You sound like a Dumbcrap anyway.

  18. The sad thing here is that local, state, and federal elections continue to draw a bunch of nut jobs, excluding the good president. Here is a guy trying to do best for us and the country and all he gets is "resistance", as they call it. It is sad indeed that good candidates don't throw their hat in the ring. We sure can't fault them. Who the heck wants to be in the ring?

  19. Responding to: October 17, 2017 at 2:59 AM

    Dizeman says, If Trump does not make it in 2020, it won't be the Democrats that bring him down... it will be the RINOS. I agree!

  20. In response to: October 17, 2017 at 3:00 AM

    You sound like a Dumbcrap anyway.


    Dizeman responds: I sound like a "dumbcrap", because I don't make fun of people who speak as though they received more than a third-grade education?

    It's okay! I understand!

  21. In response to: October 17, 2017 at 2:55 AM

    I think multi-cultural voters were taught a lesson by President Obama. He promised them he was their answer and all he gave them was Free Cellphones for a month. I think they caught on, which is why Trump won.

    I have been talking with a very large Black voting base over the past year and Democrats are not fooling a large number of them any longer. They realize they are being courted for their vote and then forgotten.


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