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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Eastern Shore Employer Mentality


  1. Even better is when the boss steals an employee's girlfriend and divorces his own wife. Half the money you made for him goes to his ex, your ex goes with him and you lose your job!

  2. That is world wide.

  3. Danny LaVeccia twin

    1. Is he the clown that always has some kind of nice car outside Adams ribs holding meetings trying to recruit for his pyramid schemes??

  4. 3:13
    Sound like trouble brewing. JK

  5. Two of the major employers here on the Eastern Shore treat their people exactly that way.....

  6. Someone would be stupid to drive a Lamborghini on the roads around here.

    1. Nothing says "Eastershore" like a Lamborghini.Unless they started building pickups.

  7. Is this the brewing of a bit of class warfare here on conservative eastern shore?

  8. Not an eastern shore "thing" but a nation wide "thing". As a world famous pool player and a great business leader who has lived the big life in NY, NJ, CA, etc, it is our Eastern Shore you always choose to put down. About time you took one them bridges off our shore and live somewhere not as repulsive as you find it here.

  9. If you are the one taking all the risk you get the reward.

  10. That is exactly the typical Gillis Gilkerson Incorporated mentality.

  11. 7:33 AM I have lived in several states and have never run into such ignorance as I have here. I fail to understand your point. Maybe you should get out more.

    1. Or maybe you should just move.

    2. Agreed take 50 don't stop don't come back locals will handle the shore

  12. 6:59
    As a result, a local brewery is releasing a new brew - Alimony Ale!

  13. This is very prominent in Ocean City. The business owners use workers like toilet paper.

  14. Rich get richer. The truth.

  15. The owner of a successful business can spend their money however he or she sees fit. If you want to be successful like your "boss", start your own business.

  16. Employers Love it here....CHEAP LABOR !! They don't Care
    about You , Only themselves !!!! F A C T

  17. Lol no company can save the shore. Ocean City is a dump now and if not for the college no one would ever come to live in this place unless they were being released by a prison. Shorebillies aren't country, theyre trash.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not an eastern shore "thing" but a nation wide "thing". As a world famous pool player and a great business leader who has lived the big life in NY, NJ, CA, etc, it is our Eastern Shore you always choose to put down. About time you took one them bridges off our shore and live somewhere not as repulsive as you find it here.

    October 17, 2017 at 7:33 AM

    Or maybe some of the people here could clean up their act? Just a thought.

  19. People from Salisbury work hard?Bwah hah hah!

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Agreed take 50 don't stop don't come back locals will handle the shore

    October 22, 2017 at 4:39 PM

    Yeah, you losers are doing a helluva job at that aren't ya? lol


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