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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rosie O’Donnell Is Worried Whether Or Not She’ll Live Through Trump’s Presidency

Rosie O’Donnell is legit batcrap, y’all.

And she’s now concerned that she’s not going to live through the rest of Trump’s (first term?) presidency. She’s saying this out loud. This is actually happening in real life.

She told W Magazine that after Trump was elected, like many other snowflake liberals (who are consequently screaming at the sky next month):

The longtime Trump critic told W Magazine she was in “severe shock” when Trump won and went through “a lot of therapy.”

“I was in pure unadulterated [shock], as if I had fallen through the ice on a lake; I was underneath the water, and I couldn’t even see the surface,” O’Donnell told the mag. “It was a severe shock to my entire essence and my beliefs in the order in the world, and also the PTSD of having been an abused kid in a family.”

She added, “I did a lot of therapy.”

Ummm, news flash, lady. Time to switch therapists. It isn’t working. And ask for some stronger medication. Because damn.



  1. Well, if that's not a confession that she has mental issues, then nothing is. She needs therapy, and a lot of it. All mentally challenged people need lots of therapy. DJT is not her problem, rather her psychosis is the problem. Too bad she isn't suicidal.

  2. Pull the plug, pull the plug, pull the plug!

  3. I thought she was Canada's problem now...

  4. Isn't she one of the X-men? Blubber maybe?

  5. Take the scum view yentas with you to Canada.

  6. Suck down a bunch of donuts and drop dead.

  7. “I was in pure unadulterated [shock], as if I had fallen through the ice on a lake; I was underneath the water, and I couldn’t even see the surface.”

    You couldn't see because "The Donald" may have been walking over you. Actually he wouldn't want your fat ugly self under his clean shoe soles.
    What a nut job, she is a danger to herself and us. Some "shrink" should snatch her off of our streets.

  8. No amount of therapy will fix that.

  9. Dear Lord hear her plea

  10. I can't believe they allowed this psycho to adopt children

  11. Well, he will be elected again , so she had better get ready
    to Accept it ........!!! Up to her how long she wants to Live !!!! LOL

  12. Said she was going to leave the country if Trump won why is she still here? I understand there to bring back the Rosanne Show I guess this makes her a liar just like the rest Al Sharpton still here too.

  13. Please die and decrease the surplus liberal population!

  14. Her lack of relevance screams look at MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

  15. I believe she said she was gonna leave country if he became pres, so why is she even still hear running her jowls.

  16. Canada don't want her we're stuck with her.

  17. Good,if she's gone there's one less person in line at the buffet....


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