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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Richard A. Henson Foundation Announces $2.5 Million Gift for SU Science and Technology Programs

SALISBURY, MD---The Richard A. Henson Foundation, Inc. today reaffirmed its commitment to Salisbury University, announcing a $2.5 million gift for SU’s Richard A. Henson School of Science and Technology.

A pioneer in the commuter aviation industry, Henson endowed the school bearing his name with another multi-million-dollar donation in 1987. This latest marks the 30th anniversary of that initial commitment.

“The Richard A. Henson Foundation continues to uphold its namesake’s values and philanthropic beliefs throughout the community and specifically at Salisbury University,” said SU President Janet Dudley-Eshbach. “Mr. Henson’s support made possible the outstanding science and technology programs we offer today. We are proud that his legacy continues not only on campus, but through the many students and alumni who have benefitted from his generosity over the past three decades.”

Ten years after his initial endowment, Henson donated another $1 million for new science equipment. In 2011, the Henson Foundation announced an additional $1 million gift to establish the University’s Richard A. Henson Medical Simulation Center. Today, that legacy continues.

“The Richard A. Henson Foundation is extremely pleased to continue and expand our commitment to Salisbury University and the Henson School of Science and Technology,” said Victor Laws, chair of the Henson Foundation’s board of trustees. “Our new gift will establish or enhance the following programs: student scholarships, a science and math honors program, undergraduate and faculty research, and student conference travel. Our gift will also help fund a new high-performance computer lab, and assist in the repair and replacement of critical Henson School instructional equipment.”



  1. I Wouldn't give that Liberal school NOTHING.

  2. Don't WAIST this $$$$$, like they did on those Million Dollar BELLS !!!!!!!!!
    Whoever authorized that should be FIRED !!!!

    1. "Waist"? Really? Bet your IQ equals your waste size.

    2. You again. I told you, if the spelling on here offends you so much, don't come here. Read the other blog.

  3. The Clinton Foundation should be giving some tooo !!!!

  4. Joe
    Did you see Harvey Weinstein gave $$$$ to the Manhattan DAs campaign and then no charges were brought because of lack of evidence ? Even though they had Weinstein on audio admitting the abuse


  5. Here's a novel idea. Why don't they offer more PhD programs. They have Doctoral programs like an Ed.D program for "teachers" and an DNP program for nurses. That is a very limited discipline.

    Why don't they invest in a PhD in Organizational Leadership. There is one at UMES, but that program doesn't work for me or many others. It's a weekend only program. Well most of us have families and our weekends together are important. Consider people like myself. Some people just don't want to go to UMES because it is UMES. A school full of crimes and people that aren't there to get an education, but a diploma.

    Why not start a Doctor of Osteopathic Medical School at SU so that we can get more doctors on the Eastern Shore. That way we can get more DO's in the area.

    With UMES failing with the Physicians Assistant program they are no longer producing PA-C's any more.

    Makes sense to me.

    1. Well here's the "informed" opinion of a PRMC employee clearly.

    2. They can't offer it. UMD won't allow it, it would compete with UMES.

  6. It would appear that your schools language arts program gave you nothing, 1:08.

  7. 1:08 that's right son, education is the devil!

  8. DO's are barely a step above chiropractors. Go to a MD.

  9. 1:42 why don't you put up the money for the extra staff that's needed for the courses? Why are you complaining because the college closest to you doesn't have the program you want to go for? Welcome to reality.

  10. The bells were a gift from a private donor, as was the tower.

  11. Some of the best docs I've ever known were D.O.'s, and I've worked with hundreds over my career in the military and private sectors.

  12. Anonymous Gary C said...
    You again. I told you, if the spelling on here offends you so much, don't come here. Read the other blog.

    October 11, 2017 at 6:07 PM

    that's what these small minds from smallsbury only know how to do. they can't contribute anything intelligent so they screw with the ones who can. they are so proud of their 5th grade level of learning they want to show it off every chance they get

  13. Waste of $$$ on LiberL future communists.

  14. 8:04 I bet your lawyer went to college and law school.


  15. As noted, the bells and tower were a gift.

    A D.O. has the same privileges as a M.D. but there is more emphasis on muscle and skeleton in training. Have been treated by both.

    Skepticism about many UMES offerings is warranted by the facts. But duplicating existing programs a few miles apart is a non-starter these days.

  16. And the foundation that Mr. Henson established will keep giving for eternity. Brilliant and generous man that set up a foundation, run by trustees to invest his endowment to the foundation, and charitably distribute 5% of the value of the trust every year. It will never go broke, and the value of the donations will fluctuate as the trust grows in good investment years, and diminishes in the not so good years. The man continues to give back to the community long after his death. He gives a good name to many of the wealthy that can't spend all that they were blessed with, and see to it that it helps society long after they are gone. (But we won't get into the tax benefit that he enjoyed by setting up the foundation and protecting it's value from being taxed, which allowed him to decide how the money is spent, and not the government) Brilliant!

  17. Give us a rundown of expenses & disbursemants since it's inception.
    (Just so's we'll know.)


  18. 9:38am
    Been to the YMCA?
    Restaurant/Hospitality facility at UMES?
    Boy Scout Reservation by Sharptown?
    Endowed school at SU?
    New Cancer facility in Ocean Pines?

    Keep your eyes open next time you're out and about; might learn somethings.

    Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any of the above.

  19. did I see a white truck, LG or SG
    plates and a Salisbury university decal
    on the doors. rolling through Salisbury...

  20. Give out scholarships with this $$$ , don't buy Bells !!!

  21. The $$$ Waisted on Hells Bells could have put a few through
    college instead !!!! Do That from now on !!!

  22. Those multi-million $$$$ bells , just to satisfy a few
    big-shots at college, who are Ego-maniacs !!!
    They can stare at them all day, while playing with their
    Figit Spinners !!!!

  23. I thought it was a slush fund for President Janet DO-NOTHINGS food allotment @ the College

  24. $$$ gets Skimmed Off to go to Salarys !!! Employee Perks !!

  25. Brilliant man, that Henson fellow. Wished I had gotten to know him better.

  26. $$$ gets Skimmed Off to go to Salarys !!! Employee Perks !!

    October 16, 2017 at 10:57 AM:

    I bet you don't work for nothing! Neither do they. And by the size of the donations they make on behalf of the foundation, they are good at what they do. They should be well paid for their service to the foundation. It's not "skimming" and they are not volunteers. They are paid employees. Whoops, I forgot the !!!!!!

  27. Bells that Noone can even see or care to see , were a BIG
    waist of alot of $$$$$$$$ in the millions.
    Somebody should be Fired !!!!!!


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