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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Real Men Only Kneel For The Lord

Then there's the Baltimore Ravens.


  1. 1 (800) 342-5283

    This is the number to Anheuser-Busch. They want to know how you feel about NFL players kneeling during the anthem and if they should continue supporting the NFL through advertisement dollars with a quick push button survey. Let them know what you think. Call during business hours it's an automated system and asks if are calling about the
    NFL. .Press 1 and then leave your message.
    Feel free to copy and post.

  2. ok, so why is the one guy kneeling, but has his hand on his heart? I think he's a little confused.

  3. 9:37, it's because he IS confused and has no idea why he's kneeling. Somebody told him to do it and he's dumb as a rock.

  4. I don't see one man in the picture only a gang.

  5. Going the same ghetto way that the Wiz and Skins did several years ago.

  6. I don't know why they chose kneeling. If they're that serious about it why aren't they lying prostrate on the field? While they're down there they can kick their feet, pound their fists and whine something about injustice.

  7. This sums it up...it's not about the flag, no disrespect intended for the military; you don't watch the nfl or any sport for the National Anthem, so if you don't like the kneeling, just ignore it like you do racism and police brutality. Destroy your jerseys or cancel tickets over that.

    1. 10:24 Just like you ignore the fact that in 2016 over 7000 blacks were killed by blacks. Only 258 blacks were killed by police. But Dont let those facts get in the way of your racism.

  8. REAL MEN GO TO W A R While Punks like These stay home !!

  9. They would Not last long on the Battle Field !!!

  10. Bunch of Baltimore Thugs !!! Ex-Cons !!

    Real Men are in the military and went to WAR !!!

  11. 10:24 You are the one in a dream world. Perhaps, when Colin knelt it was about racism & police brutality.....although black on black crime is worse than than any other segment.....although when making millions of dollars, the protest seemed a little strange.....perhaps it was about all that when Colin started. NOW....it's a fad, it's for making a name, it's against the POTUS, it's for all the WRONG reasons now. So, my fellow American, please return to the real world and see through all this BS.

    1. It still is about injustice and police brutality, the right readon. It's people like you who condone ignorant comments made by Trump when he called the players s.o.b's. That kind of rhetoric is demeaning and uncalled for. Maybe the players should call him the same name, I bet he wouldn't like it and neither would you.

    2. 1:16 who the hell are you kidding. I'm sure they have already been calling him those names long before this 😂 They don't like him because he is white. Simple as that. Everyone sees through it but the real racists. Why don't blacks clean up their own house before they start blaming others? 72% of blacks are born out of wedlock. That's a real problem. Over 7000 blacks were killed by other blacks last year. But I don't see anyone taking a knee for that. Get you own house in order and stop crying about injustices that aren't there. It's your culture that is holding you back and nothing more. Educate yourself.

    3. Please don't forget more white people are killed by cops than any other race

  12. They would be the First the Enemy would Shoot if they ever
    were on the battlefield !!!

  13. Cure the problem, If you choose to kneel, or otherwise protest you would be fined a percentage of your salary every time you do, if the owner supports you he should match it and then all of it should be donated to a worth while cause to overcome racial injustice. Lets see how long the kneeling continues. Doing this should not offend anyone............

  14. Why are they wearing pussy hats? Exactly what are they trying to say?

  15. It should be noted TE Ben Watson, CB Jimmy Smith abd CB Brandon Carr, who are black, Did Not Kneel during the anthem. The others should of been suspended by the owner. If they pull the same stunt this Sunday at M&T Bank against the Steelers, fans from both teams will trash the stadium,

  16. 1:16 pm I know that you must be joking, right? Everyone hears the lyrics in "music" that the black community makes and listens to!! I am quite certain that you have as well!! If you havent, why don't you listen to some and come back and let me know if you HONESTLY...and I MEAN HONESTLY think President Trump really INSULTED THEM. In their lyrics, they call their women "bitches and Ho's!! They call people "Emmer Effers" and even the "N" word! And everyone knows that ALOT act like that in everyday life! We hear them EVERYDAY! I really doubt that President Trump hurt their feeling!! Now BE HONEST!

  17. truthfully i gave up on the nfl when the colts snuck outta baltimore in the middle of the night. And was replaced by a team of nothing but ghetto trash. ray lewis murderer, rice wife beater the list goes on and on. who in their right mind would support this trash? semper fi!

  18. 1:16 President Trump was in the NYC building trade. He's been called that and a lot worse. It's a rough business.

  19. AL Post 166 in Ocean City won't be missing them today.

  20. 10:24 get in the real world. Police brutality is a non issue. Fact is the police have more to fear from blacks then blacks do from the police. What blacks have to really fear are other blacks and if they say otherwise they are lying-again. They really need to get back to god in a real way and not the fake way they do. Most are fake or at the best lukewarm and the bible says god spits lukewarm christians out of his mouth and that is why all the social problems in the black communities. It's as simple as that for any improvements in their lives and communities. With real religion comes morals and with morals come great things.

  21. They should wear those pink wussie hats all the time, that defines them very well.

  22. Look at the numbers by race that are killed by police officers yearly then make your comments most of you are going to be shocked some mite not be but whites are killed more than any other race. Now look at the black on black deaths it's a sad number that no one speaks of

  23. They are kneeling in support of BLM. BLM supports property forfeiture and community ownership among their list of demands, all of which are based in Communism. They hate the 1% that these players represent. So, in their infinite stupidity, these players are showing solidarity with a violent Communist front group that has co-opted criminals and degenerates as its martyrs and poster children to garner community support for their agenda. The whole lot are like third world scum infecting America.

  24. I am sure our Muslim Kapernik will find lots of virgins in his heaven. Without a weapon he has destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of non-believers (and believers) and destroyed a whole industry in the u.s. just by pushing racism. Wonder how much he was paid???

  25. Democrats understand that government has more power when you have a divided people....They want Tribalism.

  26. The epitome of disrespect by kneeling, in a foreign county, England, during our national anthem, and yet stand for the British anthem. Some things cannot be undone. Just stupid people as players and management. Bad CAW Ravens. Signed, Ex-fan.

  27. Entirely too much time spent on this trash. Stop giving them the attention they so desperately desire, due to their failures and self esteem. Stop catering to their bull crap and they will go away. I don't even care to view the photo of such a distraught bunch of punks in adult bodies. If I want to view photos I choose my family and friends.

  28. The flag doesn't represent who's in the White house or who wears a police uniform it represents all of us and when you disrespect the people they will turn on you. Something they weren't smart enough to factor.

  29. To be fair, real men also kneel before their kings and queens (the real kind), to tie their shoes and to propose marriage to a woman.

  30. Roland G. Fryer Jr. is an economics professor at Harvard. Distressed by what he was seeing in the treatment of black men like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, Fryer commissioned a study on how the role race play in the use of lethal force by police.

    The study examined more than 1,000 police shootings from 10 large police departments in California, Florida and Texas.The results? Not what Black Lives Matter would have you believe. The study found no indication of racial bias associated with incidents in which cops fired their guns.

    The study concluded that police officers who had not been attacked were more likely to shoot white suspects. This goes completely against the mythology.

  31. Wow I'm browsing through television today and get this: to avoid watching any NFL and support the morons complaining about racial equality there's a marathon of the first 48. A show that basically documents police solving black on black murder nationwide, some cases over nothing more than $20 but the majority drug activities. Blame it on the white man

  32. Those hates fit their bravery level...LOL

  33. If they want to protest something, they can do it on their own time, not when they are supposed to be working. And now they are praying? Give me a break. Tim Tebow was practically crucified for praying by the NFL. Double standard!!!!!!!

  34. Everyone seems to have his own interpretation of why they are doing this. I think they are being paid BIG bucks under the table to do it. Regardless, they are attempting to degrade me, my military service and my country. They no longer exist

  35. Do you notice a common denominator is this picture


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