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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Read the questions under the,"Issues", and tell me why my daughter is being forced to answer these questions.

I am absolutely blown away at our LIBERAL education system. I just had to share with you what some of our children are up against. The students were flat out told if they did not answer or participate the teacher would in fact fail them by giving them a "0" as a grade. 

Welcome back to school, HOMEY'S. 


  1. Parents neeed to start intervening with the teacher, principal and board. I would make this individual teachers life a living hell with endless communications, meetings and requests for alternative materials.

  2. I would have to go to the school and question this one. The issue questions to me are a bit too much.

  3. Same thing happened to me 44 years ago in 6th grade .We had to do a report on famous negros. My assignment was Mohamed Ali and per my Father, I stood up and told my black teacher that I refused to do a report on a damned draft dodger. Ended up in the principals office and ultimately in Military school.Best thing that ever happened and have been very successful ever since ! Moral of the story RESIST this garbage -We are all Americans. Only the liberal Democrats seek to divide us by race,religion ,gender,wealth ect

  4. Clearly some loaded questions. However, this is a teacher's assignment. Not a state-wide test. I would recommend that you have a word with the teacher and their supervisor.

    I'm also going to assume that you have a lot to answer for the stereotypes questions, HOMEY.

  5. Who thinks this crap up, anyway?

  6. It is so disappointing to witness race relations tumbling like a falling rock. I submit, Dr. King would be appalled at the terrible loss of ground he fought so hard for. People of color today want to eliminate history as if it never happened but will not let go of the terrible atrocities that occurred before their life time and have no effect on their lives today. I am not black so have not walked in their shoes but I feel we should move on and heal.

    1. I was not hired for a job because they needed a black female or black male to fill diversity quota. This discrimination happened to me for 3 years until I finally got hired. As WHITE person I absolutely no the feeling of discrimination...I never let it change me...

  7. I don't see any mention of " Dr. King " having plagiarized through almost his entire academic career including his famous " I Have a Dream " line. A poor example for children trying to do the right thing in school.

  8. 8:32 the supposed plagiarism is simply that both speeches end with a recitation of the first verse of Samuel Francis Smith’s popular patriotic hymn “America” (composed in 1832) and had references to several American geographic locations from which the speakers exhort their listeners to “let freedom ring”

    1. Read Boston University's letter attached to his academic record. He shows a consistent pattern of plagiarism throughout his academic career. Sorry if you don't like it, it is true.

  9. Yeah maybe you should go and talk to the school before claiming that the entire education system is a conspiracy from so and so. It's clearly important to learn about Dr. King and his impact on the civil rights movement--its history. I do not see the educational value of asking a child to create stereotypes. Even if mom or dad clearly have some of their own ;)

    1. I agree, however I believe it's equally as important to learn about General Robert E Lee.

  10. is this a government school and what grade level?

  11. That is very sad to see what young children have to "learn" in school these days. I am much older, and I never had to do any kind of school work like that.

  12. 8:23 crap like that is thought up by prejudiced N word people pure and simple.

  13. These questions are an individuals opinion so how do you grade opinion to begin with? Yes I would be to the school then the board of education and back to the school. No way in he!! my child would answer them and no way would I allow my child to get a zero! If need be I would threaten a lawsuit, I am sure I could find a valid reason to file and you don't have to ask for hundreds of thousands to get your point out there the lawsuit for $500 would draw attention!

  14. Every one of those is a question requiring a subjective answer, not an objective one. It's more like a political party indoctrination than a test of useful knowledge.

  15. Dont you get it, Democraps took over the education system YEARS ago, they were smart enough to know if they could change the mind of the kids, they could get all they wanted. Why do you think home schooling has taken off?

    You want to solve the worlds issues, get rid of the liberal / democraps.... They are involved in ALL mass shootings, all ANTIFA, and BLM, and every other Pussy hat wearing thing.

  16. The problem here is that you people are to stupid and lazy to do anything about this, and you wouldn't if you could, becasue you can and you don't!!!!! This is how the govt or liberal or whom the f' ever you want to blame this time, They stick it you all and continue to, why??? Re-read above statement about how stupid and lazy you are!!!

    Wither this is right or wrong, or the best things to do for a class assignment, at least they stick to their values, good or bad, and go after it and keep on keeping on... You people mainly do nothing, then bitch about how you do nothing and then complain about how someone else didn't do it for you!!! These people whom you complain about, at least have enough resolve to stand up for what they want or believe, good or bad and push forward, you other people here, just run your mouth doing nothing, and some might stand up and fight, but then after the first fight, you stop...

    You can win a battle, but not the war!!! You have to win most battles to win the war!!! You people either give up or stop after the first battle...

  17. 9:30 AM lots of assuming going on in your statement. I know several parents who over the years have called to task teachers who pulled this. They have refused to participate and insisted on alternative questions.

    Fact is, no matter how often you approach it, every school year they have a new class to pull this crap with and they know it and they do it over and over again..

    Kudos to the parent who is obviously involved in their child's education and caught this. Good for you!

  18. Quit your whining and transfer your kid to a private school,because this "assignment" is just a taste of the Commie Indoctrination that is the public school system.
    Before you go into a spiel about how you cant afford private school, spare me. I have had people who I know have a higher income tell me they "can't afford it"and truth is that they CAN afford it , but only if they make sacrifices. They have boats, new cars, and get a Frappe at Dunkin five days a week.Or go on lavish vacations every year. They do all this but don't want to pay for the most important thing in their kids life,their K-12 education.
    The Liberal invasion in public schools is only going to get worse...you can keep your kids there and bow to the Government or actually get off your ass and do something about it!
    Ask yourself what is more important: the newest iPhone , new cars and expensive clothes or sending your kid to a safe thug-free school with an emphasis on academic excellence and discipline.

  19. Question #1 is asinine. It answers itself and I'd like to know the name of the so called "educator" who dreamed it up. No doubt a dumbed down product of the US "education" system. It thought it would throw a few big words in the question to make itself sound "educated."

    #2. This is easy. Basis of prejudice are the actions and failure of a particular race to call out bad behaviors of their own. That's is it in a nutshell no more no less.

    #3 Worsened. One word for the cause Obama. No explanation needed.

    #4 No they are both as equally guilty of causing racism. The females because they let any thug criminal mount them and make babies. Males because they are slaughtering each other to the tune of 1000's a year in this country and shooting each other to the tune of the 10's of 1000's.

    #5 No one holds "stereotypes" against "black people." More nonsense. What makes people stereotype are actions and it's not a lie to say blacks are 100 percent guilty of creating negative stereotypes. Examples being a nearly 80 percent illegitimacy rate, highest on welfare and other government handouts, highest incarceration rate, highest drop out rate, highest chronic absenteeism rate. These are just a few examples so to say they don't create their own stereotypes is nothing but more black lies.

  20. 9:30
    I could like this comment all day long!

  21. 9:30 you know everything please tell us what you would do to stop this kind of racist mentality and are you currently doing it?

  22. Instead of raising h*ll, it would be easier to ask for an alternate assignment. Or that this one be scrapped and a more equitable one with the same subject used. The speech and the man are important and our kids do need to have knowledge of a more peaceful method of protesting perceived injustices. (I don't care what color you are; you can't say treatment was equal BACK THEN). I understand the concept of encouraging critical thinking, but we are sitting on a powder keg socially right now. No child should have to express an OPINION that could make him/her a target. It is important, however, that our kids are presented with just-the-facts and allowed to establish their own opinion in the privacy of their own mind without exposure. This is an English class. Not History. This is not an argumentative essay.

  23. Complete moron. The speech does NOT being with "five scores years ago." What a foolish so called "teacher." Too stupid to even get a famous speech correct. Too stupid to know how to properly research their material.
    Now to school the dumb arse. The speech begins with as per the National Archives where the speech is archived:
    "I am happy to join you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation."

    I say name names. This "teacher" is deserving of a good old public slap down back into the crap filled crapper where it emerged from. Too dumb to even get a famous speech right. And yes it matters.

  24. @9:30 not hardly dumbass!! Us people have been fighting the war since this countries inception. Truth be told you people tend to quit and give up when the government or society throws you a little freebie or entitlement to pacify all the whining, complete sell outs for ghetto fabulous lifestyle.

  25. Not taking action = consent.

    No child should have to answer these questions, black or white.

  26. These questions are too deep for an early grade student body but not entirely inappropriate. The questions force the student to actually think about King and where he was coming from. It's a far cry from removing statues because people think they are offended without ever trying to understand the historical significance of the person the statues were intended to honor.

    What other topics did the teacher cover or is this the only one that matters? If it matters, why?

  27. Just a reminder from White Liberals that Black people aren't smart enough to make it without their guidance.

  28. The first question doesn't make sense because it does answer itself. It says what black is used to widely describe THEN does go on to ask what definition is used to describe blackness-DUH people whose skin color may range from dark brown to sepia.
    Also the word "implicitly" isn't being used properly. I guess this so called "teacher" heard the word somewhere and thought it would make them sound clever and intelligent to use it in this "implicitly" structurally improper sentence-but that is another issue.
    Implicitly means completely, absolutely, totally.

    What the US public schools are stuck with as "teachers" today is a disgrace. They themselves are in dire need of schooling and this proves it.

  29. This is the history of a black man . Where is the history of the white man ?
    The history of America is gone and forgotten , the black man is not deserving of this.

  30. Here's a question for you... Should our schools teach black history? What good comes of it? Wouldn't it just teach black children they should hate whites and make the white children feel guilty? Or is that the end goal?

  31. I guess it should be noted, the teacher is a black female.

  32. 12:00 PM Some of us already assumed that by the narrative but thanks for clarifying.

  33. The responses here are exactly why no major businesses come to the eastern shore. Low IQ, non educated shore billies. No one want to hire you.

  34. Racism will NEVER be erased in this country! Whites are afraid to say anything because we are always accused of racism. The blacks live their lives promoting and crying racism yet they instigate most of the race issues.

  35. Like we couldn't figure out she was a black female. Clearly without any doubts a product of affirmative actions. This is not racist. All anyone has to do is read what she wrote. She does not even use words properly. She is the exact reason why blacks have very little to be proud of. A teacher in dire need of schooling herself.

  36. 12:59 agreed. Could not agree more. Crime is everywhere. Locals blame it on anyone with darker skin then they have. It's people like 1:15 who criticize the writing skills of others while using fragmented sentences themselves.

    Hope you locals enjoy more and more companies moving away because when you are this stupid that's what happens. Take the college out of this place and it would REALLY be nothing

  37. LOL gotta love the "values" of the black movement. What values? She has got to be kidding. Black hoes making babies at an 80% illegitimate rate and mostly with thugs. Blacks using children and nothing more then EBT cards. Blacks not valuing life unless they think they can make a $ off of it. Blacks not valuing honesty and lying constantly and making excuses for all their failures. These are the "values" promoted by the black movement.
    Yeah right values and unless she mentions these truths she is just proving she is typical and is an immoral dishonest person.

  38. Constantly changing the PC acceptable term is a recipe for constant friction.

    Anyone remember when the term was "colored"? How about "negro"? Then the movement itself, the leaders, at any rate, chose "black". It was no longer acceptable to say Negro or black.

    Now suddenly that term is being called into question as showing some implicit bias on the part of "society". But "society" did not choose this term. Black leaders did. Remember the Black Power Movement, Black Panthers, et al??

  39. 9:30 High Horse Harry, take a minute to be constructive rather than using excessive punctuation!!!!!!!!! See? It really does nothing. It appears your only contribution is to sit at your computer each day and just argue with anyone that they are the problem. Take a good look at yourself. Now go outside and keep telling the kids to stay off your lawn.

  40. "Anonymous said...

    The responses here are exactly why no major businesses come to the eastern shore. Low IQ, non educated shore billies. No one want to hire you.

    October 3, 2017 at 12:59 PM"

    You aren't serious are you? If so goes to show you are clueless. No major business wants to come hear because Sby is a crime infested blighted crap hole and the surrounding area a stinky factory farmed toxic waste dump. If a major business were to open people would come IF the area wasn't so disgusting and horrid. Major businesses know this and that is why none want to be here. Even with properties very inexpensive as they are here they won't come. Think before you comment.

  41. "Anonymous said...

    12:59 agreed. Could not agree more. Crime is everywhere. Locals blame it on anyone with darker skin then they have"

    LOL DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THIS??? People aren't blaming anyone other then those responsible! Blacks and I will repeat just so you get it BLACKS are responsible for most of the crime. 1000's almost 4000 black on black murders a YEAR prove this. 10's of 1000's I'll repeat and spell so you get it TENS of THOUSANDS of blacks shooting each other a year. These are facts so suck it up. My God if you aren't black you sure act like one telling lies like they always do because honesty isn't in their genetics.


  42. "Hope you locals enjoy more and more companies moving away because when you are this stupid that's what happens. Take the college out of this place and it would REALLY be nothing

    October 3, 2017 at 1:22 PM"

    I know right. They see this affirmative action ignoramus supposed "teacher" and they are going to close and move away.

  43. This is from a text book titled "Readings for Writers" by Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell and Anthony C. Winkler. Pure propaganda. Doesn't surprise me this teacher is black. Blacks for the most part aren't too bright and fall for propaganda. They always have and most likely always will. That is why so many social problems plague their race.

  44. Here's the problem and I am going to be brutally honest. Most blacks lie and they lie a lot. This because most are democrats. They lie about all this racism and all these supposed white supremacists. Last year it was white privilege. These same white supremacists they lie about adore Dr Ben Carson, Col Allen West, the former sheriff of Milwaukee David Clarke and countless other blacks. This throws their whole racism narrative out the window. They won't admit this because unfortunately they are not honest people. It's gross what they have allowed themselves to become.

  45. A black teacher eh , that confirms my suspicions.

  46. Metrics, analytics nor stats lie folks. At the end of the day it comes down to haves and have nots.

    Question is are you a have or have not?

  47. 99.8% of you are have nots. Evidenced by your staying in such a crime ridden, high tax and drug/gang infested area.

  48. May have missed it, but what grade is this for? Opinion questions should be able to be graded since you should be learning to articulate debate and defend yourself from some point on...isn't part of why we are considered GREATER than other countries is due to our constructive critical thinking abilities over others that purely ride off of the memorizing and ones and zeros idea of thinking?

    4 and 5 would seem a bit too personal for schooling, as we all have our basis we are raised off of and believe, things are not as simply "black and white" as we pretend they are.

  49. 8:14 have nots because continued voting for Democrats.

  50. Learn the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the entire National anthem all in the proper context. The rest is just personal conviction good/bad ???

  51. What school is this?

  52. Excuse me, but we are not the ones who go around calling each other the n- word that is supposedly hated so much. When in actuality it is nothing more than the word negro, which as a result of Southern accents over the years, it became the n word. Maybe you need to clean your own house before making insinuations.

  53. @9:16. right you are. But what amazes me is they are against anything that had to do with slavery, except for being a democrat. Democrats wanted slavery to continue. But they are ok with being a member of the Democratic party? Must be because the democrats give them freebies so they will vote for them. I guess it's a different story when someone greases your palms. Then being against slavery goes out the window. It's wrong when others do it, but not when it's them. But they will nt discuss this with anyone. Goes against their agenda I guess.


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