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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ovarian cancer starts 6.5 years before it turns deadly

Ovarian cancer begins in the fallopian tubes six-and-a-half years before it turns into the 'silent killer', according to a new study.

Scientists have mapped out its 'evolutionary tree', offering the hope of detecting it before it spreads, and ovarian tumors have been traced to their site of origin in the fallopian tubes for the first time.

The report suggests the genomic roots of most cases start in the fibrous tissue that connects the ovaries to the womb.

The new discovery by the Johns Hopkins researchers who worked on the report sheds light on the cause of the disease and paves the way for the development of new ways of preventing and treating it.



  1. I hope Hillary has this.

  2. Nah, her girl parts dried up years ago.

  3. Such good christian values displayed here....You should be ashamed of yourself for wishing cancer or disease upon any other person.

  4. Good Lord forgive them for they are stupid.


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