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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dems Intent On Sticking To The Same ‘Identity Politics’ Play Book That Lost Them 2016

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) met in Las Vegas Friday to discuss their strategy for the 2018 elections but reportedly spent no time debating the merits of the “identity politics” messaging they employed on their way to a resounding electoral defeat in 2016.

The first two days of the four day meeting featured lengthy strategy discussions related to increasing grassroots participation but excluded any debate over the party’s broader emphasis on race and gender based identity politics, according to The Washington Post.

The Democratic politicos gathered in Las Vegas acknowledged the cost they paid in 2016 for completely eschewing positive messaging in favor of a consuming focus on anti-Trump talking points but stopped short of a more general examination of first principles.

“From a branding perspective, we have a huge problem,” Ken Martin, the chairman of Minnesota’s Democratic Farmer-Labor Party, told WaPo. “It was the biggest challenge for us in the last year — and our biggest mistake was uniting around ‘Stop Trump.'”



  1. Let's allow them to continue - when your enemy is blundering - don't interrupt them!

  2. Democrat playbook. Lie, use the MSM that Democrats control to lie, use Hollywood to lie, take dirty money and lie some more. See i just saved you from having to go to Vagas.

  3. Their liars are falling. Look at Hollywood and the MSM as their support drops.

  4. Shhh don't tell them.


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