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Sunday, October 08, 2017

NFL arrests in one season


  1. A picture is worth 1000 words. Another reason to stop watching the club called:

  2. One white guy. I can't see the other races, can someone help me with that?

  3. Hmmm I only see 1 white guy. Facts don't lie 😉

  4. And 1 white man killed 58 and injured 500+ other white people in mins. Now thats what I call population control.

    1. 1:56 And 7000 black men died at the hands of black men in 2016.

  5. No, the sad thing is none of this bothered any of you. But they take a knee and WOW WHAT A RESPONSE

    1. 2:19 How do you know it didn't bother us? A lot of us have stated we have not watched in years because of that crap and how the NFL deals with it.
      The sad thing is you don't get it

    2. What MSM has made this a news story for the public to be fully aware of their arrests? The bad part is most are violent crimes.

  6. Hmmmm if Obama had sons.

  7. This is the poster needed to use for their so-called protest. This blows their protest out of the water, for the "National Felon League" the NFL. Thugs, mobsters, gangsters, arrogant snobs & asses. Don't represent anything good this country offers. They embarrass themselves everytime they open their mouth in protest. They have NO character, morals, or valid opinions. Keep making fools out of yourselves.

  8. Such a fine, upstanding group of guys!! With just DWI's alone, look how much they do for their communities!

  9. Why is it that nobody cared about the amount of crimes (and some of them quite violent) committed by NFL players until now. No one protested the NFL or burned their jerseys when Michael Vick was killing dogs, when Ray Rice beat his fiancee, or when Aaron Hernandez murdered. The NFL has long been a pool of violent criminals but I have seen very little protest when a team signs one of them in the past. But now when player does the least violent things one can think of, i.e take a knee, and defend what they believe the fans come out in full protest. Seems strange to me.

  10. They make millions per year. They end up flat broke after a few years. Like a kitten that is attracted to anything shiny and bright, they've spent all their millions on flashy cars, watches, jewelry and mega mansions. When the money is gone so is the posse that hung around just for the free drinks, food, drugs and money.

  11. In the words if the late Harry Kerry, "Holy Cow! "
    Yeah, maybe they are angry at cops.

  12. I think that the police were profiling these guys and the devils came up with alcohol to further keep them down. They even sell blunts in the store to promote marijuana use within the community. We cannot get ahead with a foot on our neck. We need equality now! How come you can have a nice house and I cannot? They even trie to make us pay child support bro, what’s good with that?

    1. Are you serious. If it's your child you should want to love and support your flesh and blood. Take more responsibility and you just might gat that nice house and family. You can thank Obama for lack of jobs and promotion laziness.

  13. 3:32 totally disagree. I know a lot of people who stopped watching, switched teams and burned jerseys because of Vick and Rice.

  14. If they could only spell "assault" correctly it would be a great poster.


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