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Sunday, October 08, 2017

I me wed: why are more women choosing to marry themselves?

When 38-year-old Sophie Tanner celebrated her second wedding anniversary earlier this year, there were none of the usual trappings - no flowers or romantic meal for two; no hastily purchased card sealed with a kiss.

It’s not that her other half is remiss, but that on May 16, 2015, when the PR consultant took her vows on the steps of Brighton’s Unitarian Church, the person she swore to cherish for eternity was, well, herself.

“I literally had the idea when I was lying in bed recovering from flu and a bad relationship,” she remembers. “Everyone celebrates getting together with someone and becoming married, but there’s no milestone in society that celebrates escaping something awful or returning to your own happiness and contentment.”



  1. I know why,

    When you're told by almost every guy you meet to GFYS, well, you just go ahead and do it...

  2. Desperate !!! Get a Man !!!

  3. Imagine if you proposed to yourself and got turned down. There sure are a bunch of losers in this world.

  4. Because they can't find anyone better to put up with their dumb a$$ (map)

  5. Considering most of the good men are taking in there mid 30s she doesn't have much to chose from.

    1. 7:59: So, consider this person the norm. What do you think? A life time of joy? Not likely. Can't even write a sentence with only just one error. This is why the genepool is so shallow. Idiots procreating. Not praising her decision, but look at the alternative. 7:59: There are 4 errors in your statment in this post. You can't pass judgement when it is clearly you are an idiot.

    2. Anytime you want to compare resumes or even bank accounts let me know. Let me guess you make 40k and think you are something special. You are the idiot.

  6. But can you get divorced? If so, do you pay alimony? If you have sex with someone, are you cheating on yourself? So many questions...

  7. Dumb enough not to reproduce. PTL

  8. I'm 40. Never been married. A couple more than a few long term relationships. My only regret is not procreating and furthering my lineage. However, that would have likely brought on years of child support or negative child rearing environments. Not going to sacrifice sanity for only glimpses of the benefits of companionship. I have only one friend who still adores his wife, and with a solid reason. She is awesome! My other friends are divorced or other wise tolerate their wife's, drop of the hat insanity.

    Sure, I have one regret, but that one regret has 6 kids. No, thank you. My point is, this chick is the exact reason why I don't seem to relate to girls of my age. Can't go much younger, that would be creepy. Funny how my ex girl friends' moms always liked me.

  9. Did this poor girl actually admit that she got the idea to marry herself while she had a fever?

  10. I have a friend who married herself.I went to her wedding.We tied tin cans to her car when she left the church.We drove behind her for a few miles blowing our horns and yelling.She spent her honeymoon in Williamsburg.She is very happy with her new life.


  11. We owe this woman a debt of Thanks! She's keeping her craziness and mood swings to and for herself. Somewhere a guy or guys caught a break.


  12. I hope you both live happily ever after!

  13. No man will treat her like the Princess she was raised to believe she is.

  14. Moon Bat---she bought a dress for herself and had a party. Fellas your wife isnt that bad is she??

  15. She would grow tired of Being Alone , Eventually !! Fact

  16. If I had it to do all over again.....I would have never married. Decent men and decent women are becoming more and more difficult to find because we have been pitted against each other everywhere from school to television.

  17. I have no doubt that she deserves herself. Good riddance

  18. Keeps from getting Pregnant !!! Good Birth Control

  19. Anyone who marries themselves is the ultimate narcissist. And bat-s**t crazy to boot. She just saved a man (or another woman) from a lifetime of misery. Bless her little self-serving, selfish heart. Lucky now that no man will have to suffer her mental illness. No one will miss her (literally).

  20. As I end a 38 year marriage, the last 23 years a totally loveless one, I wish my wife had married herself, and saved me the misery of "trying to make her happy." And ironically, she never considered my happiness in the marriage, just hers. I wish we had parted decades ago, before we had kids. Once she had kids for her security package, she didn't give a rat's ass about the marriage. I hope some young man reads this and avoids a disastrous mistake; one were he thinks standing on an altar and making promises for a lifetime to a woman that only promises until she's not happy anymore, will make him happy. Most women's reason for leaving a marriage is because "she's not happy anymore." Funny, that's usually right after she has child support rights, a house to live in, and a job to keep all the money for herself. Suddenly, they're not happy. Vows mean NOTHING to them. It's all just an act.

  21. She will be happy until the honeymoon is over. At least she won't procreate.... OR will she?


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