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Sunday, October 22, 2017

NFL announces plans to 'Promote Social Change'

National Football League (NFL) owners, executives, players and union leaders announced Tuesday that they’re making plans to “utilize our platform” to effectuate “social change.”

The NFL and NFL Players Association released a joint statement after a meeting Monday that discussed, among other things, players’ National Anthem protests at games. The statement declares their joint plans to use the NFL’s platform to change society and “address inequalities in our communities.”

NFL.com reports:

A group of players, union leaders, team owners and NFL executives met Tuesday to discuss social issues and plans "to promote equality and effectuate positive change."

"Today owners and players had a productive meeting focused on how we can work together to promote positive social change and address inequality in our communities," the NFL and the NFL Players Association said in a joint-statement.

"NFL executives and owners joined NFLPA executives and player leaders to review and discuss plans to utilize our platform to promote equality and effectuate positive change. We agreed that these are common issues and pledged to meet again to continue this work together.

"As we said last week, everyone who is part of our NFL community has a tremendous respect for our country, our flag, our anthem and our military. In the best American tradition, we are coming together to find common ground and commit to the hard work required for positive change."



  1. NFL has signed its death warrant! Once more and more people refuse to watch, and, the money stops pouring in, they'll be singing a different tune! Can't happen soon enough!

  2. It's about time the millionaire players give back to their communities.

  3. Start by voting out liberals like in Chicago where they only enrich themselves at the expense of minorities and working people.

  4. People don't tune in to watch sports to have to deal with this crap! Sports was supposed to be an escape from the everyday grind of live and chance to celebrate life through support your favorite sports team. All this is going to do is turn off more viewers. I personally hope they fail and go bankrupt. They have forgotten where their money comes from. It's from the viewers. The advertisers and the sports teams are supported by the viewers. Without their support, there is no money.

  5. The National Felon League should be focusing on themselves. Nothing but wife beaters, animal abusers and only the lord knows what else. Most are pure garbage. If you want to see a bunch of thugs running around just turn on Cops.
    Or maybe focus on teaching them to speak English. The way most talk sounds like they just got off the boat from out of some jungle somewhere.

  6. Pretty soon they won't have a platform anymore. Americans pay you guys to play football, not preach.

  7. does this mean quotas?
    sorry we have too many , we need more ?

  8. What is an "NFL"? Animal, vegetable or mineral?

  9. Congress needs to revoke their tax breaks and tax money going to these teams. Just like Trump is getting rid of Insurance subsidies. When the rich gets tax dollars to get richer has to stop.

  10. I smell a gathering of NFL attorneys. It might be best to stay upwind of them.

  11. Good! Now I can abandon NFL forever and watch College ball only. That, NASCAR, Baseball and soccer play nothing but sports and leave politics to CNN!

    If I want to watch opinions and agendas, I'll watch the news channels.

  12. Promote social change within your ranks, then come speak to us about how well that works for you.

  13. Aint nothing like 32 old white multi-millionaires trying to be "hip" in today's society by promoting "social change".

    C'mon folks, the elite 32 only care about how much money they can get out of consumers and the sheep who attend 10 home games a year (8 reg season games PLUS 2 preseason games)!

    $50+ parking, $100+ tickets, $5.00 16oz bottle of WATER (last I checked you can get 40 16.9oz bottles of deer park spring water at BJ's for $4.99) and $12.00 16oz Budweiser aluminum bottles. Oh yeah, $6 for a grubby hot dog!

    Full disclosure - I drank the kool-aid for over 30 years then realized - well actually I woke the hell up. Boy oh boy if I woulda invested the money I spent on season tickets, tailgating and BEER on the inside.......I'd have a better engine on my fishing boat!!!!

    1 DAY UNTIL TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Why in the hell are the football owners and association doing anything? It's a game that the players play and are paid to play it . NO NFL for me or my family.


  15. Soon enough they'll be sacking groceries instead of QBs, and that really will be social justice we can all applaud!

  16. No one I know watched NFL for their take on "social issues".
    They have started to believe their own hype.
    With degrees in various brilliant fields such as Sports Therapy, Sports Training, Sports History, and the ever-popular History and Floral Arrangement degrees, these guys are now the go-to people for enlightenment. They can't spell "degree" and could NEVER get a job in any industry that requires intelligence, but they believe they have the answers.
    Run, catch, throw, fight, deal drugs, beat women up, and fight the police. Rob some people once in a while and attack fans.
    Stick with what you do best and leave the thinking to people with thinking skills.
    They are SO stupid they couldn't win an argument with themselves.
    But, seek to lecture white people (that's the target of the kneeling) about "oppression". Spell it first and before you start, tell James to learn how to spell "breathe".


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