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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Federal Court Rules World War One Memorial Cross Must Be Torn Down

Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War One.

The 40-foot tall memorial became known as the "Peace Cross."

In 2014, the American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit alleging the cross-shaped memorial is unconstitutional and demanding it be demolished, altered, or removed.

They alleged the cross carries "an inherently religious message and creates the unmistakable appearance of honoring only Christian servicemen."

On Wednesday, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed and ruled the historic memorial must be torn down - all because the Bladensburg Memorial is in the shape of a cross.



  1. OK so 90 years later its offensive. This is the kind of crap that is ruining what once was a great nation. I'm gonna bet that these 49 men that perished were Christians. Did any one even bother to check? I bet not.

  2. Veterans and families can fight back by coming together putting these crosses and monuments on PRIVATE LAND. So far, we still have a say in what to put on private land, but hurry, before it's to late. Time to join President Trump in OUR FIGHT.

  3. This is bull crap. What about all the crosses on the side of the roads where people have died in accidents? They have been trying to get them removed too. I see the cross as a memorial for those who have died. Christians may have adopted the symbol to represent the crucifixion of Jesus but it represents much more. Our DC monuments have Christian scriptures engraved all through them. What are we to do? Tear them all down? Get a life and look the other way if you don't like it!

  4. WWIII is coming to liberals.

  5. Replace the cross with a stone rendering of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and all will be well. He speaks for all, He speaks for none, so everyone is served. Be blessed (or not) by the touch of His Great Noodly Appendage when visiting the monument and all others who follow this example.

    Pastafarians will one day take over the World, but by then it won't matter and no one will notice.

  6. if they take it down I have private property that it can be put on.

  7. The problem IS our courts are full of communist {aka globalist, progressives, liberals and they must be removed immediately. If memorials like this can be removed then so can the supposed life long judgeship's.... Now you can see why our Constitution is being shredded!!

  8. Police should put a 24hour guard on it just like they did Ray Lewis statue.

  9. This is all going in the wrong direction and way too fast!

  10. I bet ALL of the people honored by this cross were Christian.

  11. The existence of the Cross on public land is perfectly Constitutional. Unless Congress makes a Law about it, freedom to practice any and all is legal as it gets! If you read the first amendment, which is very short and to the point, you will quickly understand that.

    I doubt these "judges" have even bothered to check their pocket versions in 20 years.

  12. Total BS.....separation of church & state is to keep the gov't from starting their own religion/mandating participation in a certain one...not that a cross is suddenly a bad thing. One more step towards the ruin of our country.

  13. This has nothing to do with being offended, and everything to do with what is legal.

    There is no reason, that this memorial has to include religious iconography, specifically Christian iconography.... unless someone can tell me why it must contain this imagery?

    As it stands, it excludes those Americans not Christian. America is not only Christians. It is a nation of many faiths, and at it's core protects religious freedom. Excluding all other faiths is the problem. The government is not to get into the "favorites" game with religion, when it does it is no longer "religious neutral", which is the only way it can be to protect religious liberty.

    How long something has been wrong, has no bearing on it still being wrong.

    Can someone please explain or justify why there has to be religion iconography on this monument? Since it honors all Americans, explain why something that represents all Americans is less appropriate that this clearly Christian symbol.

    I'm open to changing my mind if presented with reasonable arguments.

  14. Appeal this bullcrap to the SUPREM COURT !!!!!!!

  15. We must provide muslims a place to pray in our schools various times
    a day but can't put up a cross to remind us of our fallen military????

    I wonder if civil liberty's our going to attack our tombstones next..
    Gonna be a helluva fight on that one


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