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Thursday, October 19, 2017

McConnell Folds Under Populist Pressure, Extends Senate Workweek

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) finally cracked under pressure from conservatives and populists alike and decided to extend the Senate’s workweek into Fridays and even the possibly the weekend.

Conservatives and populists urged McConnell to extend the Senate’s work hours to carry out President Donald Trump’s agenda, which includes confirming judicial nominees and passing vital legislation such as a budget resolution and tax reform.

Conservatives chastised the Senate’s light work week, which typically spans from Monday evening to early Thursday afternoon. GOP sources say that the Senate’s work schedule will start to mirror the average Americans’; the Senate will now work on Fridays and possibly the weekend to complete their legislative priorities.

Breitbart News reported that under Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Senate remains in session roughly 2.5 days per week.



  1. Be careful what you wish for...

  2. Cut their buy and benefits by 70% until they work 5 days a week and earn their money.

  3. OMG, work Fridays and even Saturdays!?! Who do they think we are, common folk?

  4. No 913, I wish for work to finally get accomplished - ON TIME!!!!!!!!!


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