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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Healthcare Deal ‘Second Largest Expansion of Federal Abortion Funding’

A healthcare policy analyst warns Republicans the “bipartisan” healthcare deal engineered by Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) represents the “second largest expansion of federal abortion funding, behind only Obamacare itself.”

Christopher Jacobs, CEO of Juniper Research Group, writes at the Federalist:

Coming on a week when Senate Republican leaders seek to pass a budget precluding another attempt to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, the Alexander-Murray deal would not only fail to advance the pro-life cause, it would, by extending subsidies to insurers who cover abortions, actively undermine it.

Jacobs explains that, unless Alexander directly adds the Hyde Amendment – which prohibits federal taxpayer funding for most abortions – to the bill, “the cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers will be used to fund plans that cover abortion.”



  1. There should be no subsidies. They are still finding ways to get their kick backs from insurance companies / lobbyist.

  2. What happen to a clean bill. Cut and dried common sense


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