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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Judicial Watch: FBI Recovered 72,000 Pages of Clinton Records

Judicial Watch announced that the State Department revealed in a federal court hearing that it has yet to process 40,000 of 72,000 pages of Hillary Clinton records that the FBI recovered last year. The revelation came during a federal court hearing in Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails that were sent or received during her tenure from February 2009 to January 31, 2013. The case is before Judge James E. Boasberg.

The hearing focused on the State Department’s progress on processing the tens of thousands of emails Clinton failed to disclose when she served as Secretary of State, some of which were emails sent by Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on the laptop of her estranged husband Anthony Weiner. The State Department has processed 32,000 pages of emails so far, a small number of which have been released, but 40,000 pages remain to be processed.

Judicial Watch asked the court to require the State Department to identify any records from the seven FBI discs that it intends to withhold, and why, in a timely manner. The State Department disclosed to the Court that it was adding extra resources to its FOIA operation but would not commit to a faster production of the Clinton emails. On October 19, Judge Boasberg ordered the State Department to “explain how its anticipated increase in resources will affect processing of records in this case and when the processing of each disk is likely to be completed.”



  1. A thief, a liar, a conniver, a traitor. How much worse can it get?

  2. Question is > Will Anything be done about it ??? Not !!

  3. If the judge continues to push the Hildabeast button I suspect he might wake up to find he has committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head.

  4. Hundreds of counts of perjury, destruction of evidence, hindering an investigation, bribery, conspiracy, obstruction, malfeasance, and intimidation of witnesses are all inside those pages.
    "I've turned over ALL the e-mails....".
    Perjury. Count 1
    Keep cheering this wanna-be Mafia leader who came THIS CLOSE to establishing a world wide branch of the Clinton Founation.
    Put that killer in prison. NOW.

    Keep cheering.


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