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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Democrats Increasingly Worried About Virginia Governor’s Race

Democrats across the nation continue to worry about the Virginia governor’s race as the polls remain tight between Republican Ed Gillespie and Democrat Ralph Northam.

Democrats continue to lag behind Republicans in fundraising ahead of the 2018 midterm election. Democrats continue to worry about what a potential loss for Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam against Republican Ed Gillespie on November 7 could mean for the midterm election.

Susan Swecker, the chairwoman of the Democratic party of Virginia, explained, “We’re Ground Zero. All eyes are on us. I can understand that because last year broke my heart.”

Gillespie made sanctuary cities, one of Trump’s staple issues, one of his own. In the third and final debate between Gillespie and Northam, Gillespie attacked his Democrat opponent when Northam refused to say whether he would sign a bill that bans sanctuary cities in Virginia.

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  1. Democrats should worry. They're led by some of the most despicable characters in politics.


  2. Got to love those Democrat principles in action.

    Northam has a black man as his Lt. Gov. running mate but took his name and photo off of the cards they pass out at the polls!

    Man and party of integrity; don't think so!


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