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Saturday, October 28, 2017

John Lewis wishes a 'Happy Birthday' to 'Madame President' Hillary Clinton

Democratic Rep. John Lewis (Ga.) wished a happy birthday to "Madame President Hillary Clinton" on Tuesday afternoon, even though Clinton is not actually president of the United States.
President Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, defeating Clinton with an upset victory in November. But that did not stop Lewis from describing Clinton as the commander in chief on her 70th birthday.
Lewis was one of dozens of members of Congress who boycotted Trump's inauguration in January.


  1. Lewis get a life and get over that people have who they wanted is in Our White House. Good luck to you a-hole. She isn't and will never be.

  2. That skunk can't even command Cigar Bill. What makes this jerk dream the loser could command anything else, certainly not a country. Imagine the money she would have taken from us if in the White House for a year. The thief is purrr trash.

  3. Always knew Georgian's were a bit out there....and now another CONgress-person like Maxine, Nancy, et al. Such an embarrassment!

  4. He should get a life.

  5. Ignorant and illiterate. Say what you want about some of the dopes in the Republican Party, but just remember the Democrats have this imbecile, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and others. It is a disgrace that the voting district lines are drawn such a way for these imbeciles to be elected.

  6. John Lewis is the missing link.

    In a suit.

  7. It isn't over yet. She might have a shot at president of her cellblock.


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