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Saturday, October 28, 2017

DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout DRILL In November

According to The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will simulate a “communications interoperability” training exercise across the United States on November 04-06.

The announcement released on October 24 has not been widely distributed to the media, because the drill is simulating a total grid collapse and could spark public fear.

Explained by Army MARS Program Manager Paul English,

“This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,”

In July, we warned about the US government quietly preparing for a massive coronal mass ejection with the passage of an Executive Order - “Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events”.

Back in April 2017, we wrote an article titled ‘Yesterday’s Broad Power Outage Likely Caused By Geomagnetic Storm‘. While everyone thought terrorism was to blame, we correctly pointed out that large power failures in major US cities were due to an intense geomagnetic storm registering 8-10 on K-Planetary Index.

The US Department of Defense headquarters entity will work with the US Army and US Air Force-MARS organizations and the Amateur Radio community to request status reports for 3,143 US counties. During the exercise, communication frequencies will use HF NVIS, VHF, UHF, and non-internet-linked Amateur Radio repeaters.

More here

[This is the same weekend that Antifa protests are planned. --Editor]


  1. HAARP and other ionosphere heaters are already causing weather anomaly.
    This exercise will be used as cover for a land based experiment with weather modification in my opinion.
    Look out.

  2. Nothing sketchy about this...

  3. Seems like many drills over the last few years have caused confusion....yeah 458, nothing sketchy about this at all.

    Well at least we were warned via Joe!


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